Friday, April 30, 2010

The Word - YOU NEED IT

I love how the Word of God is "LIVING AND ACTIVE". It doesn't matter what you read if you allow God to open your eyes, ears , and heart, He will speak straight to your very situation. I always find it interesting that people will be going through many trials and consequences of their sins and they try to do so without any guidance from the Lord. O you'll hear them say, " I just wish God would tell me what to do" but then if asked if they are in the Word they himha around it and try to say, 'well sometimes'. Which actually means sure maybe a month or so ago. Really people how do you think God speaks His love, His heart, His correction, His guidance to you if not from His Word??? Yes I know prayer, but for argument sakes let me just state this. Are you really praying and fasting? Okay, back to the Word. I know there are a million and one perfectly good reasons why we all can not be in the Word daily - at least that's what I've been told over and over again by so many people who claim to desire a sanctified walk with Him yet well honestly I have never heard one reason that I can say, 'you're right, you get a pass'. I guess this is sounding way harsher then I intended but to anyone who may be out here reading this, the days are dark and there will be no getting back to good ol' days. We need God and Him alone. Crazy doctrine that tickles our ears are around every corner, just like the Word has warned us. IF WE DO NOT KNOW THE REAL DEAL WE WILL NOT KNOW THE COUNTERFEIT! If you are His, please guard yourselves. There is not one of us that is exempt from falling away. From being pulled into false teaching. Now if I can make one big giant praise to God in all of this it would be that we are finally living in a day that it is getting way easier to recognize the wheat from the tares. And for that I praise the Lord - I shout it from the mountain top "THANK YOU FAITHFUL LORD JESUS".
If you are trying to live your life in Jesus apart from His Word then please I say with the most love, encouragement, and exhortation. You can't, you are listening to the great deceiver, it will never work for you. Please make this right in your life before the enemy gets a bigger foothold in your life. To continue to walk just an inch of His path, you eventually will be as far away from Him as one who serves and worships the the enemy. Today is the day to make right with your Heavenly Father who chose the cross for you, in your place, who has a blessed life in Him for you, who has peace and grace abundance for you.

Deuteronomy 30:2-3 and when you and your children RETURN to the Lord your God and obey Him with all your hearts and with all your souls according to everything I have command you today then the Lord your God will restore your fortunes and have compassion on you and gather again from all the nations where He scattered you.

This my friends is a promise of restoration from the Lord. If we but return to Him with all our hearts and souls then He is faithful to restore. So let me ask you what is in need of restoration in your life today? Return to Him and do what he says in His Word and you WILL be restored.

One last little key thing. Repentance - then comes healing - then comes restoration. This is what the Word teaches. So today is the day to return to Him and repent!
may this day end for you in great victory, for he is faithful to do as He has said!!!


1 comment:

Jordyn said...

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