Saturday, January 14, 2012

My 14 year old

17 years With this Man in Marriage!!!

Today marks 17 years of marriage with the love of my life, Bobby Ray Richardson.
Now total we have been 23 years together WOW that is more years than we have been alive. CRAZY where does all that time go. If you know Bobby then you know how utterly crazy blessed I am that this girl snagged him and got to keep him. He still takes my breath away when he comes in a room. The sound of his voice makes my heart laugh. The morning kiss on my nose gives my happy bumps on my arms. SURE I could make you all know he isn't perfect and share the things that make me bonkers, but the last time I did that God took me on a journey of change in my own heart and let me tell you I am going through it enough with other circumstances so NOPE not gettin' anything out of this mouth. lol.
Truth is he is pretty stinkin' great and the best part of all is how he loves Jesus and people. he takes the things of God with such ease and simple solid faith. me I take the complicated route always. He believes the best in everyone - I can't even get that to sense in my head. He forgives without even batting an eye, I wade through layers of complicated justification to get to forgiveness. He goes through life in complete abandonment in his endeavors not ever considering that people are watching him or feeling insecure. Me I crumble at the thought that anyone is ever looking at me - it keeps me paralyzed in steppin' out ( yes i am working on this but it is everything against my grain ). he looks at every opportunity to help ANYONE as a gift. I AVOID. He loves any and all social settings - they freak me out!!!
O how very opposite we are - people always say opposites attract and indeed they do but what I can say as solid wisdom after all these years is that I believe that is how God intends for it to be because that is where the biggest growth will come if we surrender to it's process.
It is sort of like our journey with the Lord  - O how opposite we are with Him. Yet if we stay in it and allow the challenges to come and not avoid them to strip self and gain Him we fall into a more beautiful union with Him.
Marriage really is just like this  - at least my story is.
I love you Bobby I'm the princess of the land having roped you.
Yes i am not in denial that i roped you - poor guy you didn't have a chance getting away from me - lol

I love you beautiful man!!!!

Friday, January 13, 2012

I never Get here anymore

Maybe not the best way to come back after a long hiatus form this blog BUT .......
I never seem to get to blogging here anymore. I guess for a few reasons:
 - I am doing a private blog with some gals, so i blog there. It's so great we are reading one of my very favorite books, "The Privilege" - by Kay Smith. We are using it as a tool to keep us in the sanctification process that the Lord has laid out for us.
 - Things i would want to blog about here might be a little to private - of course i would have no problem writing the things but i know that some may not like hearing what I have to say. SO YOU SAY 'since when has that ever stopped me before' LOL yep you're right NEVER. I guess I feel as if somethings have been a little more misunderstood then normal lately so i have wanted to be responsible. I don't know maybe it's just I'm tired of everyone being so stinkin' upset with me all the time.
DO you know how tired i am of people saying or implying how difficult it is to be my friend. Lately I have seen that it is mainly because people DO NOT like to deal in truth. Everyone comes to the table of confrontation with the #1 rule of self preservation and the fine art of doing it under the umbrella of spirituality.  Well me for one I'm  TTTTiiiiiiRRRRRRRReeeeeDDDDD of that. No real work really gets done and everyone leaves the table full of more delusion then when they arrive. I just can't do that and well there in lies the conflict that people have being my friend. I need progress - I don't want to live in delusion. I don't want to continue preserving self. I want to live allowing the Lord to deal with my deception and my junk and cleaning it up - I want to be of better service to Him and all that He is up to for each day. I can't bare the thought of self delusion - scares me!!!!
I can only imagine how crazy this all sounds as the hearer of this post. I'm really just venting this all out here and you have the honor of wading through the yuck of it. I just had this conversation on the phone so it is all just fresh and a bit hot in my head right now.
Every time you have a conversation with someone and you sit there thinking how crazy wrong their thinking is - if you do not speak up in love and give a different perspective, but you allow them to leave the conversation thinking you are on board with their thinking ( because they will believe that if you don't speak up )  - then i ask you how responsible are you in what might come next in their actions with that thinking or even their next conversation and putting your name into it as a way to validate it even more.
So you see being silent is way more tragic then the difficulty of speaking up.