Wednesday, February 1, 2012

I DID IT !!!!!

So this morning I could have slept in a couple extra hours - I never get that any more however, the Lord saw better to get me up at 4:30am and get me about my day. I am really learning to go with these gentle nudges of His guidance. Learning that there is always some unexpected sweet blessing when I am obedient. So up at 4:30am, showered, coffee made, reading my weekly Psalms / Proverbs and now sitting here thinking I need to get on this blog more. Like I said before I spend most my time on the private blog that I just tend to forget this one. So what's been going on.........let me tell ya!!!
i ran my first 1/2 marathon !!!!!
yep I did, Sunday I was blessed to run in my friends, Michelle's place at the Tinkerbell Race at Disneyland 1/2 Marathon.
Unbelievable - to think 1 year ago come next Wednesday I started this crazy idea that I was going to be a runner or at least to do a 5k. Started "Couch to 5K"  and that first 60 second jog I new i was going to see my Jesus. Everything hurtful, horrible was only my experience for so so long on this road of running. Having gotten the word diligent at leader's retreat just days before that, I knew the Lord wasn't letting me off the hook. In some way I just figured if I did die running then at least people would remember me by at least trying. SSSSSSooooooooooo..... fast forward a few days shy of 1 yr and I am running 13.1 miles with 11,000 people.
So how was it you may be asking well let me sum it up this way:
Wonderful / Dreadful
Fun / Painful
Determined to quit / Diligent to not
Hot Hot Hot - dreadful hot!
The things the Lord had me deal with out on the street surrounding Disneyland was not pleasant at all. Only got honestly a few moments of enjoyment along that path and saying that I am sure I am exaggerating to the better - as I don't have to many memories of them. But having streets lined with people / bands / cheerleaders kept me going. It felt like a cloud of witnesses cheering me on. How surprised I was that all those thousands of people came out to cheer this 45yr old  woman on in her first half marathon. Yes I  know that all those racers think they were there for them but I know it was for me. OF COURSE IT WAS FOR ME!!!!!
A couple of months prior I had learned this amazing lesson through running that sometimes the entire run will SUCK but you need to finish get to the end - the blessings come rushing in after it is done. So spiritually profound in our trails that come our way. A lesson well learned out on the riverbed that morning, now here I am living it with 13.1 miles not 3 miles. Dreadful couldn't believe this was going to be my path for this race, yet the very day prior when a friend text me with such excitement that I was running, I told her I wanted to burst into tears I was feeling conflicted. It was hard to explain to her and she was thinking I was scared but that wasn't it. Looking back now I see that deep down I knew I was going to get out there and God was going to use it to strengthen me in ways that wouldn't be fun. Boy am I learning the really good learning curves are the really deep down ones that really cost something.
So how did I do - I finished and that is part one of the victory. AND I wasn't last.
9,000 out of 11,000 finished the race and in the 9,000 I was 44% or maybe it was 41% one of those honestly can't remember. 2hours 47 minutes. Seriously not bad when I think of the extra walk time I had to take to get my breathing under control those last few miles, the potty break and picture ops that couldn't go un-missed. Seriously I just kept thinking if I could only be under 3 hours then I can be proud of what I have done so to think but really figured it was more like 3 1/2 hours. So 2:47 was a happy surprised for sure.
So maybe I am going to lose 2-4 toenails as a result of this race ( yes gross ). But worth it!!
Thank you to my friend Michelle Tebbe who allowed me to run in her place. I know it had to be hard for her not to be there but I pray she is blessed like crazy for this gift she gave to me.
Isn't it funny I can call something that was so difficult a gift......hhhhmmmmm interesting!

1 comment:

Tina said...

This is so cool! I stopped here when you first posted, but didn't have time to read it, just enough to know YOU DID IT!! Congrats! Hope you are doing well.