Friday, September 4, 2009

Obama to Address our Children

So it seems like everyone is really up in arms over this President Obama addressing the children September 8th. Well Let me offer possibly a different perspective. First let me go on record as saying that We at the Richardson house hold do not hold the same political views as our current President. Yes we too see that he is taking our Country straight into Socialism. Yes we see that the greatest help we give terrorist against our country is our tolerance and our President is giving us a fast one way ticket in that direction. So without turning this into why I do not agree with President Obama let me offer this up on the table. We do not want to be raising ignorant children who can not defend why they believe the things they believe. I will be allowing Aaron to view this speech. I will record it watch it live myself, then I will sit down with Aaron and have him watch it. I will be ready with many questions for him to consider as to why what our President is saying, even though it may seem good, why exactly it is not God's good. For us as a family we will approach this the same way we will approach the conversations as to why other religions are wrong and therefore are doomed for hell. You educate your kids. You give them the truth from the other side then you help them understand why it is against the Word of God and therefore can not be apart of our belief system. Tell me this have you ever seen a situation for a child where they were always told this is right that is wrong and never giving them any grounds for either, other than saying it's against God. Have you ever seen any of those children grow up to not rebel or to not completely walk away from their faith that they grew up with in their home. Or even have you ever seen any of those kids be able to effectively give an account for the things they say. The answer is no you haven't and neither have I.
Ok so fine we are all mad that this speech is going to happen. So what we need to do is get over it and turn this around in a way that brings truth. To stir up all this hate and bitterness is not productive at all. Help your kids win by grounding them with knowledge. Don't make them ignorant - please we have enough of those walking around. Let's give our kids a far chance at becoming young adults who can take information that sounds so good, perfect, loving, and kind and see it for what it really is and then be able to debate it with others who come against their belief systems. If we don't start this process with our kids we will raise yet another generation that so easily gets pulled into wrong teaching.
This my friend is the teaching of our children that blesses the Fathers heart.
1Peter 2:5
For such is the will of God that by doing right you may silence the ignorance of foolish men.

Ok let me have it I know you are hot under the collar now.


My Blessed Life said...

Very well put little sister.

OK is Osmel and Karen said...

I didn't get to hear it because I was at a school that didn't let the kids watch it. I am curious, was it as bad as people thought it would be. My understanding is that it was an encouragement to kids to make right choices and to work hard.