Saturday, February 14, 2009

catching up - i'll try to make it brief

January 30th was Bobby's 15th Birthday "Spiritual" that is. Now that's a story for the record books. One of the greatest days of my life.

January 31st was Bobby's 41st Birthday on earth. Now I'd like to tell you that we did this great wonderful Birthday bash filled with great friends and family but well the truth is Bobby wanted to go paint balling with Aaron so that is what he did. then we hooked up that night at church where he had his favorite dessert - Bread Pudding from Claim Jumper - just because you need to know this - - he ate the entire thing by himself without one drink of milk, water or anything - I didn't know whether to applaud or barf. Happy Birthday beautiful Chocolate man of mine.

So I had an Anniversary - gosh and I didn't even post for it. 14years as of January 14th. 20 years together and 14 yrs. married. I wouldn't suggest that long of a dating relationship to anyone. Ours was necessary but that's a novel for another day. I still stand by that somehow in my crazy life I did something really right that God thought I deserved one of the really good ones from that secret special "ISLAND". Yep that's right i got me one of THOSE guys. I still get butterflies when he walks in a room. I have to sit across from him at meals because I HAVE TO look at him. Bobby Ray Richardson is a great man who loves Jesus above all else and chooses the hard road in the Lord and does it with a heart of gratitude and kindness like I have never seen in all my 42yrs on Earth. I love this man.

February 6-8th Leaders Retreat - this one I am still processing. I had begun to pray daily for this retreat and all 33 ladies months prior. This is a gift that I am blessed to do. Pray. The battle is intense and often i want to throw the towel in but the blessing of seeing and knowing the things that God is doing is pure sweet joy. First let me say this was the first retreat in 5 years that i didn't go up that mountain sick. Praise You father in Heaven!!!!. This retreat was by far one of the best. The teaching delivered by our leader, Lori eggenburg was so anointed. Tough stuff but pure truth that what else could you do but allow God to do the hard stuff in your heart. The Worship was perfect. The food was insane. Well there was alot of garlic and my breath made a baby cry but if you are a garlic lover than this was a slice of heaven for you. The fellowship was exactly that true KOININIA. It's hard to know what to post about it because it seems so private in alot of ways.
I mourned my Donna
I allowed God to reprove my heart
I praised my Jesus for the really hard stuff in my life right now
I laughed so hard that well things happen to a women who has bore a child let's just say that.
I sang out loud - that is VICTORY
I prayed and prayed and prayed and SAW!
I repented
I studied the Word
I washed dishes - okay maybe just a little
I watched the girls cook and gave my 2cents - okay fine a buck fifty
I loved on my friends and got tons of love back
I found out Nidia was my Secret Sister - WOW I didn't see that one coming. She spoiled me so much. Thank you Nidia!!!!
I shared a room with Stephnette - the same room I shared with Donna last year. It was good for me to be in there.
I tried to annoy the game players but they ended up making me play.
I watched Susan Collins sit on a table ;0)
And I watch it snow - ALOT!!!!!!!!!
but most of all I watched our faithful Jesus do a really good work.
o and one more thing my word for the year is BELIEVE


God's Girl said...

Oh... I'm so glad to have a brief catch up with you. I would like a more in depth one so I will have to call you soon : )

I'm so glad God did His amazing work at the retreat. I prayed for my sweet friends all weekend.

Love you girly.

My Blessed Life said...

Thanks for sharing. I miss those retreats so much. I think Bobby got just as lucky as you did. I love you.

aidenalyssasgrandma said...

wow that is so awesome and I agree with Tammy, Bobby got just as lucky as you did!! You both make such a beautiful couple and I love you both... I really missed being at the retreat this year, and have heard so many great things and seen some great pics too. I am so glad you all had fun.
Love you my friend!!

Blessed said...

I missed being on the retreat with all of you this year! :( I LOVE the CM retreat. But I'm looking forward to being with you on the women's retreat. It should be fun! Maybe we can get Linda to start us our own homeschool leaders retreat!! :O hehehe.

Happy anniversary to you and Bobby. You're both blessed to have each other. :)

Sheri Nash said...

Well, Happy late Birthday to Bobby and Happy Anniversary to you both.