Friday, July 3, 2009

Hard Days REALLY REALLY Hard Days

Why is it that when the tidal wave comes I get frustrated, I think that the easy road is best, I so easily get critical of those involved that seem to be in the wrong. Why can't I learn. It's the same ol' lesson time and time again. I so identify with the Children of Israel - you know they sure get a bum wrap don't they. I get it I really do. This flesh of ours is really pretty pathetic. Somehow we think we have rights - now that's a laughing matter because if we were to simple believe the Word of God we will see that we have no rights EVER, it's all about dying to self daily, picking up our cross and walking the hard road that is laid out for us by a loving, Father who needs us to see our deceitfully wicked hearts and depend completely on Him. Knowing that the harder road from point A to B is going to refine us to strip us of the bondage we have allowed the enemy to ensnare us with. The hard road is the Good road.
"When the going gets hard the hard gets good"

But Lord I want to be heard - "Just Pray"
But they are wrong - "Just Pray"
But It's going to cause great pain - "Just Pray"
But It's compromise Lord - "Just Pray"
But But But But But - " Susan Just Pray"

So today I will pray
but tomorrow Lord will you help me again?


Amy Jo said...

Ah, yes, I've heard those words before. :-) Isn't it odd that we forget (and sometimes, fight) something so simple?

Thanks for dropping by my blog...loved your comment about chasing righteousness.

I enjoyed looking around your blog - especially the pics of your beautiful family!

Sweet blessings,

Broken In Love said...

why does it seem we'r all in the same place. you look at things and you get angry and why don't we just pray? I feel like I am that place I just want things to be normal again for death to be no more. than I'm reminded that isn't going to happen until heaven. sorry not sure the point of this =p

Elissa Hill said...

Thats awsome! Yes, Today and every day..let's pray. I need to focus on that more and more.

OK is Osmel and Karen said...

Obedience is not usually easy... but it is always best!