Saturday, December 12, 2009

just a few pix from our Leaders Christmas dinner

All of the RED HEADS - actually it wasn't intended that way but when I saw this picture I had to laugh at all the shades of red.
joannie and steph - where are you lookin' girl?

here we are bookends - i think its very Adams Familyish

becky lou who and the other susan

melody and jennifer - and she thinks she's moving in the summer - NOT

Nidia and Joannie - good grief women why won't you look at me?

and to think they take care of the office YIKES!!!!

now that's better

I'll leave this blank and let you all comment on this ones title - o plz don't disappoint

Joannie and Rochelle - Joanne over here girl right in front of you HELLO!!!!!!

Stephanie and I - yes there's more then 1 Stephanie 3 actually and then there's 4 Jennifers and 2 Susans - aaaggghhhhh can't keep it all straight

Lea and Lori - now aren't they just cute as buttons

What do you see it O My Goodness I think she actually is looking straight on. Good job Joannie!!!

Susan ( the other one) and Stephanie

looks like a stand off to me - YIKES!!!!!!


God's Girl said...

Thanks for sharing! Where was this at? It looks familiar to me.

Lots of new faces...


Linda said...

Caption: "Say what?!!! We wanted poinsettias!!!"

Miss all you girls!