Wednesday, February 27, 2008


so this morning in looking over a few of my studies that i am currently doing i see this theme that is a bit awkward - first, let me tell you that right now the Lord is making good and sure that I am in His Word - I have my regular inductive study with my "k" group, we are doing esther - quickly becoming my 2nd fav. book of the Bible ( Nehemiah is my #1 no doubt) - then i am teaching a small group (14) of kids ages 0-14 , how to study the Bible inductively - we are doing different stories in the Bible that they are already familiar with - i wanted to set them up for success - God is doing such great things in that class - these kids are teaching me - as it should be!!! - then i have this small prayer intercessor group and a few of the ladies wanted to be held accountable to study the word (love it absolutely love it) - so we are inductively studying women of the Bible - lastly, I have my own study time that always seems to take a long rabbit trail - i'm basically convinced that God needs me so in His Word because He knows how weak my flesh is these days and He is being that heavy handed parent right now - it just dawned on my that He is showing me an example that I need to imitate for my son - i've been praying for wisdom and look here it just came to me - Thank you Jesus!!!! - anyway, so there seems to be this theme running through alot of my studies right now about hiding 1. in studying eve: she was hiding because of her sin - she put herself there not God - He called her out of hiding and He did it with a loving call out to her and Adam - then there is Elizabeth, she went into hiding when she got preggo - it had to be so hard for her - she wanted to be pregnant so bad and finally it happens and God has her in hiding for 5 months - no doubt to teach her the discipline that it would take to raise a child with a nazarite vow - then there was Elijah when God told him to go away in hiding by the brook - this ever present idea of hiding is there in my studies - so i'm asking God now if He is calling me into hiding and if so what does that mean? - stepping down from ministry? i'm willing but it seems unlikely - keeping more to myself and not being so visible - very possible - it's all very interesting to me right now and i know My faithful Lord will clearly guide me - so if you don't see me, you'll know why ;0)

1 comment:

My Blessed Life said...

God is calling you to hide in Arizona for about 15 -20 yrs. You better listen.