Thursday, February 28, 2008

so i wonder why Elijah didn't seem to be bothered that the brook was drying up a little more everyday?

1 kings 17

so here you have God calling Elijah out to the wilderness for a time of hiding and how faithful the Lord is to provide for him - the brook, a source of water, but also a source that is a natural source - - then you have food brought to him daily by the ravens - -okay this is the supernatural power of God displayed here - - so each day the water diminishes more and more - he obviously knew that is was going to run out but he isn't bothered by that - so i got to thinking when you are called by God to be in a season of the wilderness and He makes birds bring you food each day - one's faith would surely grow and nothing would surprise you much - i also see the picture of the more you are with God the more the natural goes away and what is left is the Spirit - - just a neat little thing i was looking at

1 comment:

My Blessed Life said...

I was just wondering if birds would deliver us food would we eat it or would we think how gross they have diseases go away. We miss out on so many amazing things God wants to give us or show us because it doesn't come like we think it should.