Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Today I chose it and I pray tomorrow I will make the same decision.

The ever resonating conversation these days seems to be the difficult times we are in and the understanding that we will continue to head down this path. There doesn't seem to be any debate about the fact that our Lord is sifting us, exposing the weeds from wheat. Teaching us how to walk the harder more blessed road. Each day I pray that I will see everything that comes my way as from the Hand of our sovereign Lord Jesus. Knowing that if it irritates me, good. If it makes me praise Him, good. If I get angry, good. If I feel blessed, good. Each thing is meant to show me and often times others the true nature of my heart. So once again make His Hand in my life real by showing me my complete dependence on a Holy Risen God. Now sure it would be so great to write this if I was in constant victory, but well, no sense lying since I'm on this path of truthfulness. It's crazy hard but today I chose to praise Him. Thanking Him for odd interruptions. Knowing that His narrow road is the blessed road.
I picked up one of my little devotionals earlier and was taken to holding my breath, as I read the following words.
The Road Is Steep
"Narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it"
Matthew 7:14
You are a chosen vessel to Me, so do not be filled with filthy lucre. Be undefiled by the lusts of the flesh and untarnished by the pride of life. Be wholesome, humble, simple; for simplicity and a spirit of humility befit one who serves the Lord.
Pride lifts you up. It exalts self rather than Christ. Humility brings down to the level of service, and you are not to be worshiped , but to serve.
You are My treasure. I delight in you when, and only when, you are fully yielded to Me with no thoughts of personal ambition or achievement. If you wish for anything, wish for more of My nearness. If you long for anything, long for more of My place, and My righteousness and more of My love. I will not occupy second place, and My Spirit will leave and impure vessel. Just as sin has no place in heaven, I will not dwell in peace in a heart that harbors evil.
So put away all that defiles you, just as you would cast away an evil-smelling, filthy rag. teach others,a s well, how to maintain mental wholesomeness, and how to experience inner cleansing through confession and rejection of all that offends the Holy Spirit.
Tolerate nothing that dulls the perception of My presence. Cut off, purge out, plead the blood of Christ, use every avenue available to you to rid your soul of sin. Never be satisfied with half measure. Never be deterred by satisfaction with the progress already achieved. Know that this is only the beginning.
Holiness is arrived at by no low road. The road to holiness is narrow and steep and exceedingly lonely. There is no other road.
"It is the way the Master went,
Shall no His servant tread it still?"

1 comment:

Dena said...

Wow - this was very timely for me. Been one of those weeks where the victory was in my defeat and like you, I'm choosing to thank Him in it and praying that I will continue making that decision to give Him every ounce of glory. Thanks for the encouragement.