Saturday, July 14, 2007

Saturday before VBS

this morning I read this quote - "my vision of God depends upon the state of my character"
this is an awesome measuring tool to see who I am in Christ.

I have been letting Satan win with my heart these past couple of weeks what seems like a small area of frustration and an o I'll deal with it later attitude - well reading that quote and meditating on it and allowing the Holy Spirit to convict where He deems necessary - I see that my fear of God has been set aside - Lord forgive me! - it's crazy how we can convince ourselves that we're ok - well maybe we are just ok but MY Lord wants better than ok. - today I chose to let go of this crazy frustration that I have been allowing to control my emotions at home - you know Satan camps out in our homes - he pulls up his lawn chair cracks open a bottle of whiskey lights up his stoggi and just waits for that opportunity to slip his slimy stinky foot in some crack - you know just weeds in the sidewalk- he is so faithful to his cause - however I serve a God who is even abundantly more faithful to His cause and today I just cut that foot off and through God's Holy Spirit power, the power that created the universe, the power that parted the Red Sea, the power that conquered death on the cross, that same power i have living in me and we cut that foot off and booted the "slime monster" out!
the Bible says in James 4:7 Submit therefore to God, Resist the devil and He will flee.
this is what I believe this means - often we have to resist the same thing OVER AND OVER AGAIN until there is nothing in our actions or attitudes that give Satan glory - until this happens then and only then will he flee - you see if he even wins for 1 min. with us having a bad attitude that is considered success to him and he'll take what ever we are willing to give him - you see he know that I belong to Jesus and I love Jesus - he knows that his future is eternal damnation and mine is eternal glory with Jesus - but he relishes in any moment that we take our eyes off God. - so until the temptation doesn't give him anything we have completely resisted him then he will flee.


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