Monday, July 30, 2007

My intention was not to hurt you

it's a tough season right now - my Lord is really stripping me down right now - don' you hate when you know that you have inadvertently hurt someone, a close someone, one of the closest someones you have? - darn it i hate these lessons - you know the "pig monster"he just loves when these things get thrown in his slimy stinky hands. - boy can he ever have a jammin party with that kind of nonsense.
Charles Stanley says " Failure is not the time to interpret God's will" - my input: when God calls you to do something and things start looking like they are falling apart that is not the time to start questioning our God. I need to remember that He has not changed His mind or changed the call upon my life. I suppose He is trying to drag me to my knees so that I will learn early on that I can not depend on myself ( because I would rather just back peddle and get myself out of this situation and forget about the original purpose - God's purpose) God's way is trusting on Him and usually this lesson is learned best by using the ones closest to me. strangly enough it feels good to ramble that out - because the truth is i really do believe it - i just hurt because i hurt a friend - so tomorrow i will talk with her and pray that our Lords plan is to draw us closer and to grow us deeper in Him through this.

okay so i'm sitting here smelling something not so nice and darn it it's me - my jammies stink - so that only means that the whole load of laundry that's already put away stinks - LOL....

well i'm off to work on my Nehemiah Study - goodnight - if you want to see something great go down to the botom of the blog and click on the Francis Chen video with him on a wood beem - it's great -God bless and chose Jesus for every part of your heart - I promise on my life you will never regret it never.

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