Saturday, October 27, 2007

Having to dig deeper

About 9-12 years ago i had studied the book of Esther and I remember gleaning so much insight and wisdom - really looking at all the awesome typology that is in that book - so fast forward to now and here i am studying it again and really struggling to find what our Lord has for me in this book - so i searched for my old study and to no triumph it's no where to be found - yes i know it wouldn't be right to copy what i got so many years ago and try to say it's what i got now but i really wanted to see the typology stuff more than anything - not to mention it's always encouraging to look where you've come - so a dear friend who will remain nameless, let's just say she's real cute with red hair ;0) - anyway she said well maybe God wants to show you new things, that was then this is now and God anointed that time and He wants you to bla bla bla bla bla bla bla- so you get it she is right and i am wrong (of course she's right) - yes of course i would use it as an easy way out - dang i hate when i'm called on the carpet - so note to self, next time i want to cheat on a Bible study DO NOT CALL THE PRETTY RED HEAD - so i'm struggling with this one we are in chapter 2 and there's alot of stuff but you know when you just know there is something big for ya - well that's how i'm feeling - i'll share some of the little things that i'm gettin with ya though -
here's a neat little fact to remember when reading Esther - God's name was is hidden in this Book. Remember the Lord told Israel that if they forsook Him, He would hide his face from them (Deut. 31:16-18). The Lord hid his face from his people, because they had deliberately chosen to stay in the land of their captivity, dwelling among the heathen, instead of returning to Jerusalem (instead of returning to him) with Zerubbabel. - this is interesting to remember when reading Esther because I know for me I want to over spiritualize Mordicai and Esther and I really do not think that can be accurate. - let's look at some things- - - 2:1 After these things when the anger of King Ahasuerus had subsided, he remembered Vashti and what she had done and what had been decreed against her. - -so the king comes back from war a war he has lost and finally when he can be quiet with his thoughts ( obviously that is not gonna happen out in war ) he really regrets what he has done to Vasti - boy how many times i have done this - in the heat of the moment making a decision and later regretting it - You can never have clarity when you are emotional - how many times have i set something in motion and regretted it: in parenting (disciplining while angry)- in my marriage ( being so frustrated at Bobby and trying to start a fight - o that's a real mature one) - in ministry ( being so busy and having so many fires to put out that i get task driven and become a discouragement to those around me instead of an encouragement) okay the list can go on and on but you get the point. - I have all too often made a rash decision in the heat of the moment and have later come to regret that decision – thank the Lord this is not quit as frequent in my life as it was when I wasn’t walking with the Lord. I have come to live by a basic principle in my life – when you are emotional you never have clarity – when emotions are running high it is just about impossible to be acting through the power of the Holy Spirit in us we are functioning on flesh and usually mixed in with a bit of satans lies - - -another interesting thing is in verse 11 Every day Mordecai walked back and forth in front of the court of the harem to learn how Esther was and how she fared. - - keep in mind he is disobeying God. God had told His people not to intermarry with the heathen. He is definitely breaking the Mosaic Law - - now of course we know the whole story here and we see God's providence and sovereignty but all these bad choices - i suppose it's evident in all our lives when we think from where we have come and how God's hand was there guiding even in the most horrible of circumstances - J Vernon McGee puts it like this Providence is the way God leads the man who will not be led. - i love that - you know i'm writing this and i see that i need to have trust in my sovereign God that this is true for those in my life that I pray for all the time - there is some comfort in that on dwelling on God's providence. - well i have a few more Esther chapter 2 things to share but i want to sit with it a bit more so i'll get back to ya later - - so until then chose Jesus - chose to live this day for His glory - chose to honor Him with your body mind and soul - chose to bless someone or maybe just maybe go out a bless 10 people today - now that's a great goal - i'm gonna do that - you in?

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