Friday, October 17, 2008

Goodbye 'Super Chica' See you later!

My Gift has been recieved into the healing faithful Hands of our Jesus. October 16th at 1:50am Peace like no other is yours permanently. I love you and am forever a better me because of you. We clocked thousand and thousands of phone hours, 'crime fighting'. Walked hundreds of miles at the 'land'. Our connection was instantly at the heart, spirit, and mind. I will never correct another person who calls me Donna. Remember how we would laugh about that as if chemo had added 20 inches to you ;0) ( i had to get one last short stab at you). how did we ever get stuck doing this project. lol ....okay you got stuck literally!
in the Word - some of our greatest God revelations came from studying together. Thank you for always making me walk it...... being a doer and not a hearer. I love that we were drinking water in this picture. All our recent conversations about drinking water. We can thank Lori Eggenburg for the beginning of that revelation.
teaching our babies - thank you for 5 years of schooling with me - you kept me focused and believed in my boy like no one else.
I love you and will miss you so very much.
Thank you for fighting to the very end - for showing me what it really means to endure and to finish well. I love you


Dena said...

I am so sad for you and joy-filled for her relief. I wish I knew both of you better. My prayer for your comfort now....

Julee Huy said...

Beautiful. A good friend, a special connection, what a great loss and yet you carry her in the YOU God created through her. Now the true friendship begins and I know that you are just the person for the job. Amazing woman you are Susan, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. I've watched you follow God even when it tore your heart in pieces. You have passed with flying colors and God will bless you for your faithfulness.

Cry because she was so sweet and your loss is so great.

Rejoice because she is with Jesus and holding a spot for you. ;)

Laugh because God's plan is so stink'n good and the things He does always crack you and me up!

Love because He has lavished so great a love upon us.

Joy... oh joy. Go check out that Job verse on your wall again, God meant it for now.

Erica said...

Praying for your heart my sweet friend. Rejoicing that Donna is fully healed. Praying for peace that passes all understanding.

Sheri Nash said...

Susan we are praying for Donna's family and for you my friend, I pray that you will cherish all the time that you had with her and for comfort during this time. She will be missed! I will never forget the first Childrens Ministry retreat she came on and we were roomies getting to know her was such a blessing.

God's Girl said...

Oh man... these words made me cry! Thanks for sharing! Thank you for being such a faithful friend to Donna! Your loyalty and love blessed my heart!

I love you my friend and I'm praying for you as well as so many who are missing Donna!


Unknown said...

Oh, my sweet Susan! My heart breaks for you, too! What a beautiful gift...your precious Donna. Your friendship is deeper than words can possibly describe. I am so blessed and thankful that you had this time with her..I know this last 1.5months was unbearable but it was also an amazing blessing! I am praying!! I love ya!!!

Linda said...

Oh Sweetie,

Where will we be without the two of you solving the world's problems? Twins are not supposed to be separated.

I cannot find the right words to say except that I am right beside you... my heart is both breaking for our loss yet rejoicing for heaven's gain. There is great, great joy.

I can see her smiling...
She is dancing with our Jesus...
She is where we want to be!

I love you, Susan.


Blessed said...

Oh, Susan. This is so sweet. Donna is going to leave such a big hole. She was one wonderful lady.
My heart goes out to you. You two were attached at the hip and I know what a great loss this is for you.
We all know and rejoice that Donna is healed and now with Jesus, but she forgot to take us with her! I'm not afraid to admit that even through all the rejoicing, I'm really sad for the loss of our friend, and I cry.
I'm praying for you through this time of healing. We all know how much you loved Donna and how much you will miss her.
Love you,
Michelle :)

God's Girl said...

Just thinking of you this day and praying for all of you who are preparing for Donna's service.

My heart is with you!