Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Live Life!!!

My Girl doing what she did best. Living life and enjoying every moment that came her way, even through the pain. Hold on to those gifts and laugh a little today. My Girl always did.


My Blessed Life said...

I bet her and Peggy are doing this in heaven.

God's Girl said...

I love it. Joy just radiates from her. Isn't it amazing that she is filled to the brim with Joy and Peace?

I can't help but ponder the verse that talks about, when we see Him on that day, we will have no question. She won't wonder why this cancer happended to her. She won't question leaving behind her family. She will be filled with Christ and His peace, and she has all of that now. Blessed girl!

If a day is like a thousand years, then she is thinking that she will see all of us in about '5 minutes.' So while Donna waits her 5 minutes for all of us, let's turn our sorrow into a passion for Jesus and be about our Father's business for the time we have left in this world.

Thanks for sharing this great picture of Donna! It gives a glimps into her adventurous personality.

I love you Susan. xoxoxox