Monday, October 6, 2008

back for a minute

Gosh I miss blogging - I really wanted to take a fast min. to post that I'm here. Life is incredibly challenging right now, so I can't really justify spending time blogging, but every now and then I get a moment to ck some of you out. Thank you for all your prayers - I sure need them. I feel them - Honestly the peace that I have 96% of the time can only come from my Jesus because His people are praying. So thank you all so very much. Some of you know what I am walking through with my dearest sweetest friend and you understand the need to be respectful and discrete. Thank you for understanding. Someday though I will share, I will shout it from the mountain top. So be looking for that post. A few other things my Lord finds necessary to allow in my life right now:
My son, Aaron has a heart condition - sinus tachycardia - ( everyday he has an episode)but apparently a little extra water will help this just fine. If you know me you know that my son is that one area that I constantly have to re give back to the Lord because I keep taking him back. So understandably God needs to grow me here.

My Dog "Geoffrey" has just spent the last 2 days in the hospital - He has pancreatitis - well for those of you who are not into pets I know that it means nothing to you but this family loves their "Geoffrey"

okay this is sounding like I'm complain so I'm gonna stop. I don't want this to sound that way. I know that somehow in all that is going on I will prayerfully come out pruned and ready to bear much fruit. God is good all the time!!!! I am blessed to be loved by Him and blessed to have so many people in my life that will keep me tight in prayer - what more could any one ever ask for - don't bother trying to think of something there is no answer ;0)

keep chasing righteousness - it matters!!!

my new catch phrase - you're gonna love this


Dena said...

I've missed you and although I respect the privacy and confidentiality, I was very concerned not knowing anything. But I'm so happy that you checked back in. Each check in was a prayer - which God knew exactly how to answer. My prayers will continue. Take care. Be strong in Him!

God's Girl said...

Praying for you...
I will miss you this weekend my friend!

Love you lots!

Julee Huy said...

I checked your blog today just out of habit even though I knew nothing was here! Surprise!

God has you in a tough season, you're trusting and praying and pressing on, what more could you do anyway? Keep trusting friend, I know it takes all of your strength, emotion and heart to do this.

Still Praying.

My Blessed Life said...

We will miss you this weekend but I will see you Monday. Love ya girl.

Unknown said...

you're not complaining my sweet friend! I love to hear your updates and I am continually praying! Love ya!!