Thursday, February 3, 2011

the eve of retreat

just finished packing - sitting down with a yummie cup of decaf and just letting my thoughts go where ever they may:
What if God shows me stuff in my heart that I'm not prepared to deal with. I happen to say to  a friend today to trust God's timing. So what about me now and my thoughts of His timing in my life? Don't want to think about that..........
What if I can't connect with my Lord in worship? the voice inside of me says, 'DO IT ANYWAY'. Don't like that answer.........
What if I go to pray and there are no words? there is that voice again,' then sit in silence and listen to HIM'. Awkward what if everyone just stares at me. 'Let them stare'
What if ......what if.........what if.........what if......???????
What if God breathes on my life and sets me on fire!!!!
I'm in Lord .....YES AND AMEN  to everything that's in your heart!!!!

1 comment:

Tina said...

Are you back? How did it go? Your retreat? Praying that God reveals many revelations. Oh by the way, my daughter has put her sewing machine away.:( Her motivation was short-lived as her schedule got busier. Don't know when she's going to pick it up again...good!