Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Why DO You Fight So Hard To Get Out Of Your Situation

Was reading a prayer board this morning and it just seems like it's the same story in every circle
 [ names have been changed to protect the real ones] hard times are here and no one is going to be free of them.
Lakwanda - wants out of her marriage because her husband is a jerk ( her words not mine)
Matilda Lou - cant deal with her kids so she just sits in frustration and borders on depression.
Shanada Kay - hates her boss and just sits at work and stews
Rolika Lilly - well everything is overwhelming to her and she just cant get a grip on anything
Margreala Kathrine - is dying in her dysfunctional home
................... so you get the idea here everyone is drowning in their circumstances and wants it to just STOP!!!!!
Praise the Lord for so many scriptures on all of these however, it comes down to this simple principle.
If it's not this situation it will be another. God is going to use whatever is in your life to bring you to your knees in repentance of whatever he is desperately trying to show you to sanctify you for His glory. Is there a constant theme that keep coming up? I recently read this amazing and very timely book by Kay Smith "The Privilege"  - I took many nuggets away that I am trying to hold on to and practice in my life - one stands out right now in relation with what I am talking about. When you feel something that makes you upset, negative, critical, angry, bitter, insecure.....etc.... ask the Lord to name that root sin in your heart. He will and when He does, repent of it and allow God to forgive you of your wrong heart. This practice will soon find you not fighting your circumstances and realizing that God has allowed them to consecrate your life so that you can live a life sanctified for His glory.
I am not making light of any ones situation because we are all going through it  - it's just a shift in how we view those circumstances. We need to allow the Lord to show us our sin first - always start with self and get that cleaned up. Somehow the "others" just don't seem so daunting after that.

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