Friday, February 11, 2011

Home Rested and Ready Yes Lord Ready

Not to sure if I'm ready to recap retreat so let's just see how this goes.

Home from retreat and full of so much hope. To watch answered prayers that I have prayed for so so long. Honestly -  don't ever lose hope in prayer!. For me that is what this retreat ended up being for me. I got to sit there and unwrap this beautiful gift from my Jesus' heart to my heart. Answered prayer all over the place. Now to others they may not be able to see it but it was happening from the moment we arrived until the moment we left - one new OMYGOOSH moment for me one after another. To see lives change right in front of my eyes. That is what My Jesus can do and did for me this weekend. The Lord so prepared my heart of "others focused" for this retreat and it was exactly where my head and heart needed to be. There was only but a moment that i was self focused on a O O situation that I put into motion, that I regretted and had a little bit of a pity party over doing something not relying on the Spirit of God. But other than that, to be others focused was the greatest gift and somehow my need tank got full to overflowing. Lord let me hold fast to that principle.
Costly Grace
Living and Loving Outside of the Box
Free To Be Me and You
Linked in Love
Every teaching was seasoned with so much flavor and some bites were hard to chew, but to see God's heart in the matter how can we not say Yes and Amen to everything that is in His heart.
For me the main thing i walked away with was -  sure it's easy to keep the ones we like the most close but what about when the hard stuff comes and they hurt us. To leave them is missing out on such a beautiful work that God will do. Stay, forgive, allow restoration - YES walk in wisdom but we have a great big God who really can take any mess and bring beauty for ashes.
Well as I suspected when I first started writing this I'm not completely ready to put it all out there. This retreat sure is hard to articulate. It was the best retreat EVER for me. It was the most painful retreat to be present with EVER. yes both of those are true and only our Jesus, who is relentless in His pursuit of our complete hearts, could ever make those sentences come together be true for one event.
I have never witnessed such genuine sweet fellowship. The unity that we have been praying for 5 years for, well it was birthed at this retreat. Can I just say the labor pains are so stinkin worth it. SO DO NOT TRUST YOUR EMOTIONS  - trust the Lord and His Word. Unity comes at a cost - you can't bail, You need to stay in it and be honest and forgiving. This group that I am so blessed to be apart of, we are actually learning this, we are living in it and can i just say the fruit of that is sweet O so sweet. So thankful that fruit stayed on the vine a little longer than we all wanted it too.
I know this is just a jumbled rambling where are you going post. But I'm just trying to get some of this stuff out of my head and heart.
We will see some leave this year. Some for travels afar, some because it is time, and others because well just because. In all of it what i know is God has planted a gift deep within each one of our hearts and if we allow the Vine to nurious the branch the fruit will be sweet for another group of woman elsewhere.
Thank You Jesus for a gift that I couldn't have even imagined to pray for. I knew it would come at a cost but Lord You alone script Your ways.
Thank You Jesus that I get to be................!

1 comment:

God's Girl said...

Oh how my heart just jumps for joy to hear this!!! Our God is so good!!!!

Thanks for sharing! You sure blessed my heart!