Thursday, August 2, 2007

He is still Sovereign

you know something this tragic happens and it just makes all of my stuff seem like nothin' - the truth is all of our stuff is something - it's there because our Creator has allowed it, the good, the bad, and the horrible. In His soveringty I trust no matter what, no matter what. - if 100 lives get saved for Jesus is it worth it? - if 1000 people pray harder today than ever before is it worth it? - if 20 people go to church on Sunday and hear the true Gospel for the very first time and chose it is it worth it? - if one marriage is restored is it worth it? - if one life just one life surrenders completely to a faithful, loving, soveriegn Jesus is it worth? - this is what I know the answer to all of these is YES. ......myheart is heavy for these people, the families touched by this tragedy the friends effected by this........but my prayer is that Jesus and His grace, and mercy is seen in every situation......Pray for them pray for all of them and watch and listen to all the stories we will hear of Jesus our King in the midst of this tragedy.
Psalm 103:19 tells me that His soveriegnty rules over all - all not just some but all of my stuff and all of your stuff and yes even this horrible bridge collapsing. He is sovereign over all.

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