Friday, August 29, 2008

Happy 100th Post to me!!

WOW it’s been great. Blogging has become something I really enjoy doing. I’ve met some amazing people along the way and have stayed connected to some of my very favorite people in the whole wide world through it.
So it looks like this will be 100 things you might not know about me. Truth is if you read this blog you basically know me pretty well but let’s get started. Sorry god’s girl if it doesn’t stay short and sweet. The order will be all over the place so don’t try to read into the order ;0)

- I was born in Pennsylvania
-Never knew my bio-dad -he left my mom and i
-I have 4 or 5 siblings that I don’t know. Not even sure if I ever met them. - they belong to my bio dad
-I have lived in Tennessee
-I have lived in Montana
-I have lived 80% of my life here in Cali
-I am terribly shy – YES I AM it’s my list!!!
-I love to have my toes popped – my husband is grossed out by feet so he won’t do it for me:0(
-I get hurt by people who chose to stay in their wrong way of life and won’t choose the harder more freeing way with Jesus.
-I really did believe I would lose the 72lbs I gained during pregnancy. WHATEVER! – yes you read that right 72
-I met my husband while cocktailing. – o how God redeems
-I pray over my husband and son every single day

-I already have my eye on a little girl that I believe could grow up and win the heart of my son. He doesn’t have a clue and we are going to keep it that way.
-I was kicked out of my house when I was 15 and still went to school and got a scholarship.
-I am so very quiet and calm in my home.
-I read all the time.
-I love watching my son do anything – okay not throw a fit!
-I hate to drive and only got my drivers license because I got a ticket the first day of college parking my friend’s car.
-I really do still get butterflies in my belly when Bobby walks in the room after being gone.
-I really do believe I have the bestest husband in the whole world.
-I often go shopping and get bored and put all the stuff back. – Tammy understands that one.
-I miss my family all the time and chose to disconnect because it’s better than being sad. yes I’m aware that this is not true but let me live in my place of denial.
-I went to college for 6 years and never graduated.
-I love vinegar
-I hate candy
-I love chocolate
-I get nauseated after chewing gum for anything longer than 15 min. started during pregnancy 11years ago and never left.
-If the base boards in my bathroom are cleaned than I believe my house is cleaned – regardless of how the rest of the house looks.
-I love TV – Lost, SO You Think You Can Dance, Idol, are my favs.
-I tape the first 25 min. of the View everyday – I love the debates.
-I have emailed the View more times than I should ever admit – arguing my point of view – I think they should have me on there as a reg. guest host.
-I believe if you do not vote than you never ever ever have permission to have an opinion.
-I bang my leg almost all night long – due to RLS
-I am an amazing choreographer in my head.
-I love to cook but have a family that does not like to eat. No it’s not because of my cookin’
-I make my dog Geoffrey’s food for him. It’s completely the healthiest and is a ¼ of the price.If you want the recipe I’ll give it to you.
-I am energized by people. I could be completely out of it and I get on the phone or see a friend and within minutes I’m going 100mph.
-I love to laugh and believe that I am funny.
-My husband does not think I am funny
-My husband is wrong!!! – One of maybe 2 faults he actually has.
-I never wanted only 1 child.
-I wasn’t supposed to be able to have kids. – Thank you Jesus for proving them wrong.
-I have been healed a couple of times in big ways by the Lord.
A serious liver condition
Surgery to remove my dead ovary - at pre-op they saw it was perfectly healthy –surgery cancelled.
-I never read rhyming books to Aaron – one of the reasons he is not a strong reader.
-I have a hitch hiking toe – just ask god’s girl.
-I was once a very good softball player
-I was once a good high diver
-I played the accordion – not for very long but I played - it may have been 1 or 2 practices
-I am a world class jacks player – okay maybe not so much anymore
-I really do not have a favorite color – I love them ALL
-I have not drank soda for 1 ½ years
-I never liked white baby dolls when I was little – I wanted black ones and they were not easy to come by way back then.
-I wanted to marry Michael Jackson (back when he was black) (The Wall)
-I have always been a huge U2 fan. Bono was my white boy rock star crush
-I was and still am Daddy’s little girl!!!!!!!!!!!
-I love shopping on HSN & QVC
-I love great quality 500 count sheets
-I love love love sheep – I collect them but let me tell you it is very hard to find ones that do not look like cartoon characters. What is the problem in the Christian Biz world that they can’t make sheep??????????
-God speaks to me all the time in the everyday sort of things – here is the silly way today. I bought some Lysol, new scent – okay it stinks to high heaven – so gross - I was frustrated because I knew I couldn’t take it back – it still will do the same great job that my other scent does. Then He said “just like the difficult person in your life right now. She will be used by Me to the same effectiveness as you”
-When I’m at a concert – I’m rocking out like I’m 16 again – just ask Steph – no one hit it harder than her and I at TobyMac
-My heart breaks that Bobby’s family doesn’t have any idea how completely amazing he is.
-At Starbucks I only buy Venti passion tea / no water added / 2 splenda / shaken.
-My favorite way to eat a bagel is: Poppy seed toasted well butter cream cheese and Dijon mustard
-My favorite meat is swordfish!!!!! Grilled with lots of garlic butter and lemon
-Favorite veggie – this one is hard I love so many but I enjoy a large artichoke boiled in chix broth / then cut in half, broiled with butter, peppercorn. Dipped in mayo, Dijon, peppercorn dip.
-favorite dessert – cheese cake with anything on it
-Favorite Woman Bible Teacher is Margaret Ashmore - she is so anointed
-Favorite Man Bible teacher – this one is hard – it changes a lot – I would have to say it’s a toss up between Jon Coursen and James McDonald
-If I could only go to one concert for the rest of my life I would pick Jeremy Camp
-My favorite Book of the Bible is Nehemiah
-I sleep with a fan, even when it’s cold
-I will be voting for McCain – even thought I believe he just ended any chance of wining with his choice of VP. I do not believe that the American Republican Party will be able to see Sarah Palin as a viable president. If something were to happen to McCain. It’s a great thing our Lord is SOVEREIGN!
-my drivers license state that I am 140lbs HAHAHHAHAH ROTFL HAHAHAHAHAH
-My Favorite season is Fall
-My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving
-I believe I make the best turkey in the world. The secret is packing real butter and herbs under all the skin.
-making this list took me a long time
-I love to sit back and watch people interact with each other. (be that fly on the wall)
-Every time I get in an airplane I assume that I just might die.
-When I talk on the phone I am so productive cleaning my house.
-I have very vivid memories as early as 3 yrs old.
-If there is a mess anywhere in my home it can only belong to me, both my boys are neat freaks and I haven’t ever had to pick up after them – did you just grunt???
-I set Bobby up all the time to fill my gas tank up – of course he knows but I have fun being all apologetic about it.
-If someone was to pay for me to go anywhere right now – I would choose Alabama to see my sis – I really miss her.
-if I could have one plastic surgery I would chose my girls to be put where the good Lord intended for them to be – bobby would never ever ever allow it so I guess they get to stay in South Beach the rest of their lives.
-I love to crochet and I make scarves for people and pray for them while making the scarf. “wrapped in prayer”
-I do not like flower scented lotions, perfumes or candles.
-I can not wear perfume – it all turns to smelling like bug spray on me.
-I work for my church staffing the janitorial
-I serve on a leadership team for our churches home school group
-I serve on a leadership team for children’s ministry
-I serve because I can’t imagine not getting to do things for my Jesus
-Having to learn true forgiveness without being apologized to is one of the greatest trials my Lord has used to draw me so very close to His heart and to teach me the power of breaking free of bondage – so regardless of how horrific the situation was I praise My Jesus continually for using it greatly in my life.
-I love to pray to go to that place of God showing me what’s on His heart.
-I could live in flip flops forever
-I am so very gray - thank you Jesus for steph who keeps me blond, red, brown and any other color we decide to mix in.
-I love my Geoffrey so much – I never thought I could love a dog this much – thank you steph
-I am a Steeler fan
-I am a Red Sox fan cause it makes aaron mad ;0)
-I am a Suns fan

If you made it this far – sorry not so interesting – I never could get on a role – it was hard


Brittany said...

Susan, that was really neat, I like it! :) Congrats on your 100th post!!! :)

Dena said...

Wow - I need to state right here, right now that I will not be doing that on my 100th post (I'm not even sure how close I am.) But as you noticed before we do have a lot in common! Go Steelers! Sleep with a fan, wish I was 140lbs again, love reading and love me a high sheet count!! Take care! And Congrats on 100!!


God's Girl said...

I have to say, that I'm glad you we not short and sweet! I thought it was really interesting and funny. You got me laughing really hard on some of those girl. I learned a few things about you too!

I still can't believe that you are shy!!! If you are shy, then what would outgoing look like?

Have you always been a Sun's fan?

Happy 100th post! You did a really, really great job with your list! I enjoyed it!!!


Susanz Place said...

what do you mean i kept is short - most of them were not even complete sentences

My Blessed Life said...

Can I do 100 things about you now? I still think you should have posted 100 reasons why you are glad I am your sister. (hehehe) OH yeah I'm with God's Girl Shy? are you kidding?

Sheri Nash said...

I would have to agree with the shy thing!! It was great to know more about you, things that don't always come up in conversations and because we live so far away now. Have a great weekend.

Dena said...

Thank you so much for your prayers. I was with my family celebrating Nana's homecoming and I told them about you and God's Girl coming into my blogworld and they were so touched by your prayers. And I was blown away by your son's response. For all your concerns about his interest in school (I was a teacher for 2 years - fourth grade so I feel your pain :)), you are doing something so guided by the love of Christ. So glad God keeps at us when we look completely disinterested in ways :) Much love to you my new friend.

ko said...

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog! Your kind words made my heart smile with great delight! :) Seems like we have lots in common!!!! You are a beautiful, brilliant, blessed woman!!! I am glad to get to know you!

Jessica's Blogs said...

Hi, I found your blog through following various others. :) I wanted to ask for your dog food recipe when you get a chance, and also to tell you that I take some homeopathic stuff for RLS (Hyland's Leg Cramps - it has quinine) that works wonderfully - it says to take 2-3, but I just take 1 and it's gone within minutes. My email address is if you can send me the recipe.