Saturday, November 22, 2008

Twilight Review

so first let me say that I am 1000% NOT endorsing this movie / book at all. I am going to post the below review because I think it is one of the best out there that does not take a side. It clearly gives all of the facts. Trust me the facts alone should make you have clarity on this subject. So why post it if I am already not for this movie? the answer is because I really want you to read it. The review that is. To ask God what He thinks? Is this entertaining the World? Does it give a little bit of glamore to the whole under world of Goth / Vampires? Do you even know that it is a very real and growing pod that is worshiping Satan? If I accept this at what point will I say "no more"? is there even a point that I will ever even say no more, or have we truly gotten to the place that our tolerance will destroy us? Is it weird that one might see or read Twilight and actually root for these two to "hookup" sexually - don't even get me off on that road of immorality? a million questions I could post before showing the review but for now I pray you will read and allow the Lord to open the eyes of your hearts to truth and not to be lead into deception by the "great con artist"

I'd never given much thought to how I would die."
So begins one of the most resonant love stories to touch teen culture in quite some time. Love, found in a world filled with terrifying monsters in the moonlight. Love, found at a strange high school in a tiny, rainy town that Bella Swan did not want to live in. Love, found by a cold-blooded vampire who didn't think he would ever feel warmth again. Love, found by both of them to be intoxicating to the point of creating near giddy insanity.
Bella moves to Forks, Wash., to live with her dad after her divorced mother remarries. She thinks of it as an exile. Certainly she doesn't think anything good will come of it. She's from Phoenix, and she hate the cold and rain. She's a high school junior, so she doesn't relish the idea of starting over at a new school. She's uncertain about her relationship with her dad.
But she fits in better than she anticipates. Or at least she thinks she does until she meets Edward Cullen. Butterflies start circling in her stomach the moment she sees him, but all he does is glare at her. It might take a while to smooth out the bumps, but Bella's determined to make it work with her white-faced dreamboat.
So determined, it turns out, that even when she learns that he's a bloodsucking vampire, she's unwavering in her newfound infatuation. "You don't scare me," she tells him repeatedly, almost as if she's trying to convince herself along with him.
Her resolve is continually tested as she learns that it's all he can do to resist the desire to kill her, as she meets his intimidating family of vampires, and as she becomes the target of a nomadic "tracker" vamp, who's decided she's the endgame of an eternal lifetime. But love is love, she figures, no matter the risk. And therein lies the heart and soul of Twilight—exhibited in both grand and shocking ways.
Family is a big part of what nurtures Twilight's love. Edward's coven—family—of vampires is a loving one. Each member is committed to protecting the others, even Bella when she becomes part of them through her relationship with Edward.
The Swans, while more fragmented, still show a great deal of cohesion demonstrated through selflessness. Dad opens his arms and home to Bella after years of separation. Uncomfortable at first, Bella tries to give him a fair shake when she arrives. And she does everything in her power to make sure that when her life is threatened, Dad doesn't become collateral damage.
Superlatively, Bella willingly offers herself as a sacrifice meant to save her mom's life. She narrates, "Dying in the place of someone I loved seemed like a good way to go."
Accepting, for a moment, the idea that vampires can exist in a fantasy world and that they are capable of making "moral" choices within the framework of their predetermined natures, it would be fair to say that the Cullen clan's choice to avoid killing humans is ... positive. Edward explains to Bella that they are "vegetarians," meaning that they have learned to survive on the blood of animals. Beyond being grateful that she's not going to be devoured mere moments after falling in love for the first time in her life, Bella interprets this as them being "good" vampires who have struggled, some for centuries, to renounce their evil inclinations.
So within the context of a monster mash such as this, we can see a reflection of the Christian calling to put away the old man of sin and embrace the new one—a path that while straight and narrow, is certainly more difficult to walk.
Edward and Bella don't talk about it much, but it is intimated that despite their ability to choose good over evil, Edward considers himself and all other vampires to be eternally damned, and he resists mightily the idea of allowing Bella to descend into the abyss that he finds himself submerged in. She doesn't care a whit about that. She's eager to become a "cold one" if only it means she will be with her beau forever.
Edward can read minds. His sister, Alice, sees visions of the future.
Clearly tempted to go farther, Edward wrenches himself away from Bella after they begin kissing. (Before he does so, they embrace, eagerly lock lips and slowly lower themselves onto her bed.) There's a pro-abstinence message in his decision to disengage, but it's muddied by a couple of facts: 1) He's avoiding sexual contact because he knows it will cause him to want to kill her, not because he believes the contact itself would be immoral in any way. 2) He says he's been in the habit of sneaking into her window at night and watching her sleep. And once he admits that to her—and she doesn't run screaming, calling him a creepy stalker—he proceeds to spend the night with her in her bed (clothed, but cuddling).
Dialogue dips into the sexual arena when Edward tells Bella what people at a restaurant are thinking about. He grins, looking around the room and saying, "Money, sex, money, sex, cat." Mom asks Bella if she's "being safe." There's a quick joke about a swim team's padded Speedos.
Girls at school wear tops that expose a bit of cleavage. And prom dresses—Bella's included—reveal even more.
The first question a colleague asked me when I returned to the office after seeing Twilight was, "Were there any gory vampire bites shown in the movie?" It's a fair question, and it probably mirrors what a whole host of parents began wondering the moment after a whole host of Kaitlins and Ashleys started begging to go see it.
The answer is yes.
In flashback, we watch Carlisle "create" Edward by biting down into his neck. There's no blood visible in this "transformation," but there is in other vampire attacks. Bella's hand is slashed in a fight with the tracker vamp, and he ultimately bites her, too. This takes place in the midst of a frenetic battle that starts with just Bella and the tracker, and ends up a full-scale melee involving Edward, Jasper and Alice. The tracker's head is twisted nearly off (onscreen) before he's disassembled and burned in a fire (mostly offscreen or out of focus).
Bella is hurled across a room; she slams into a mirrored wall. The tracker breaks her leg by stomping on it. When Edward tears into the rival vampire, they all but destroy the building they're in, blasting through floors, walls, windows, etc.
When Bella does a bit of Web research on the "cold ones," we watch over her shoulder as she sees drawings and cinematic images of bloody killings. We see flashes from contemporary vampire assaults, too; these hint at the violence that transpires rather than fully expose it.
To save Bella's life, Edward sucks her blood from the puncture wound the tracker inflicted, drawing the venom back out of her. And it's not the only time she's in danger: When the Cullens first meet the tracker, they square off in threatening, animalistic crouches to defend her. When a careening van veers toward Bella, Edward stops it with his hand. And when a small group of ne'er-do-wells accosts Bella in an alleyway, she's crowded and threatened before Edward swoops to the rescue. (To his credit, he resists the urge to kill the men.)
In a sequence used to illustrate a lie told about how Bella got hurt, we see her tumble down stairs and smash through a large window.
One exclamatory use of "h---." "Oh my god" is interjected a handful of times. There's a line about a "butt-crack Santa."
Bella's dad downs beer on several occasions. In one scene we see him pile two six-packs onto a friend's lap. Edward refers to Bella as his "own personal brand of heroin."
To protect his vampiric identity, Edward has cultivated the fine art of lying. Bored with safe driving rules, he speeds and executes fancy—difficult and dangerous for us mere mortals—quick-turn tricks.
In a ploy to try to protect him from the vampires, Bella reluctantly, yet intentionally, wounds her father with words her mother used when they divorced.
There are two kinds of people who will watch Twilight: Those who have read the books ... and those who haven't. The two groups will see a very different movie. The latter will casually make its way through a romance-obsessed vampire yarn involving a human high school girl and a 17-year-old vampire who's actually over 100. The former will observe the very same romance, but layer onto it the entire story arc that unfolds through the four Stephenie Meyer novels that have birthed this movie franchise.
That makes it difficult to write just a movie review about a movie that isn't just a movie, but rather part of tall tale that doesn't end at twilight, or even the dark of night. It goes beyond into the realm of the eternal—something not really hinted at onscreen ... yet.
I'll give you an example of how Twilight neophytes and Twi-hards, as they're starting to be called online, will react differently as the film unspools: When Jacob shows up for the first time, he's ostensibly a minor character who, along with his wheelchair-bound dad, is delivering an old truck that Bella's father bought for her. OK, fine, right? No big deal. But when he first peeks his head onto the screen, a portion of the audience—primarily female, for the record—is likely to erupt with squeals of delight. They certainly did at the advance screening I attended. Why? Because Jacob eventually becomes A) Bella's best non-Edward friend, B) a shapeshifting wolf and C) a hunk.
Fans of the books clearly weren't there to just see a movie. They were there to experience the thrill of "meeting" their favorite characters in all their huge, big-screen glory. This says a lot about how much impact Meyer's story is having. Readers—and now moviegoers—are soaking in everything she's written, taking it to heart and wearing it, quite literally, on their sleeves.
One Twilight T-shirt being sold (and which I saw at the movie) proclaims, "Forbidden Fruit Tastes the Best." And that's certainly one of the film's underlying themes. This isn't about me beating up Twilight for being about vampires, though. There are positives in it that bear repeating: The Cullens refuse to be party to murder even when it's their "nature" to kill and feed off humans. Edward consistently controls his own blood lust around his classmates and especially around Bella. He cares for her. He protects her. Bella offers up her life for her mom.
But there's enough negative undercurrent even in this first outing (the books get darker as they progress, so presumably the movies will follow) to justify some pretty serious conversations afterwards for those families that decide to defer their better judgment—which would normally push vampire flicks out of bounds—and go ahead and go with the flow and see the show. The positivity of Edward and Bella's abstinence needs to be tempered with a discussion about what's so very wrong with them "sleeping" together and him sneaking into her room. His resistance to turning her into a vamp must be contrasted with her desperate desire to become one. Her obvious love for her father needs to be stacked up next to her willingness to deceive him both when his life depends on it and when it just suits her romantic desires.
Bella finds herself inexorably drawn to the "bad boy," and she does little to resist. She calls herself a "stupid lamb" (and there's already a T-shirt out there that splashes the phrase across its front), refusing to wise up for fear that clarity might mean her heart will be broken. Indeed, she waves away Edward's objections as if they were just annoying mosquitoes buzzing around her head.
We know that he doesn't want to hurt her. But she doesn't.
There's an important life lesson lurking in Bella's obstinance. But don't look for Twilight to unpack it for you. It's too dizzy from breathing in the heady fragrance of heedless and headstrong young love.

so tell me what you think - don't worry I'll never be offended if you post your real opinion and I disagree - I'll just pray for you ;0)

remember to keep chasing righteousness!!!


Anonymous said...

I have been researching the movie Twilight that all the kids are so into right now because Julia is feeling the pressure of being one of the only kids who hasn't read the series in her group of friends. Here's a Christian review about it, but what I think is more interesting is the blogging that follows the article:
Here's one particular blog from a mom that I thought was interesting. I'm stunned, absolutely stunned, that Christians can't see that even though there might be some moral lessons in the movie, such as waiting to have sex before marriage, protecting virtue, etc., those same even "strong Christians" can't see that vampire influences, murdering to drink blood, animal blood drinking, and murder are all satanic influences. Plus, it instills young girls with that intense lust to be desired and have an intensely provocative relationship with a guy who is as passionate for her as she is for him. In the book, it doesn't lead Bella & Edward to have sex, but what people don't take into account is that a young boy in real life would not have the same restraint as this fictional vampire boy. This Twilight book and movie also desensitizes kids into thinking vampire culture is romantic and fascinating. I guarantee you that after these teens and tweens have finished watching the movie, there will be a renewed interest with vampires, Goth and demonic rituals that the movie Twilight will expose those kids to. Anyway, be prepared to talk to your kids about this because I'm certain they will be pressured to go see the movie or read the book. That's what I'm struggling with right now. Here's that blog from a parent but make sure you do a google search for Christian reviews if you want more info on it all:
November 20, 2008 4:36 PMAnonymous said...
I have not read these books nor do I intend to..

My teen daughter suddenly became interested in the books when a new girl 15 started in her christian school. The girl had always went to public school before..

Without me knowing it, my daughter bought the book and was in the back seat of the car with a flash light reading it on the way home. I asked her what she was reading and she said it was a book that ALL the girls were now reading from her school. She told me it was a story about a boy who was a vampire who only drank/ate animal blood. I had her pass it up to me so I could read the back cover. I was very upset to say the least that christians were reading this type of book just on the face of it.

I was outraged about the fact that this book seemed to downplay the severity of drinking blood, human or animal makes no difference..The idea is so satantic to me. And then you have the girl who at first may find it morbid but then is attracted to him more so because of it..

I cannot believe how such black and white issues get twisted into gray areas in the church..I hear things like 'good witches' 'good wizard' 'good vampires' You have got to be kidding me!

We have children/teens whom God has said "foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child" Proverb 22:15, tring/succeeding to convince parents that evil is good. Parents start out feeling uneasy about certain books, movies, ect..but because of their desire to appease their children they give in and lose their senses in most cases and even end up fighting for their cause..In many cases they are afaid to say no because of the repercussions they may have to suffer at the hands and from the mouths of their 'spoiled' children..My daughter knows that I put God before her and my devotion to live by His word..

Mat 10:34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.
Mat 10:35 For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law.
Mat 10:36 And a man's foes shall be they of his own household.
Mat 10:37 He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.

Three weeks ago when my daughter bought the book I explained what God has to say about drinking blood and how the Bible calls it an abomination, even warnings about blood issues are reiterated in the NT...She decided that even though I was NOT going to allow her to read the book, she no longer wanted to because of how God may feel about it and she did not fight about it with me at all..

I had no clue about a movie until today when my daughter came home and told me that the new girl's mother had bought tickets and her daughter even talked nine other students into going together tomorrow night...WHAT!! My first thought was ' this girl wants everyone to sin with her so she feels better about it'...

This is a Baptist school even though I am non-denominational, and I highly questioned that the school knew what was going on. My daughter confirmed that they did not. Appearantly the girl was asked by the principle what the books and movie was about and she did not tell him..She begged my daughter not to tell him either..If that doesn't reveal alot!!

The school does not dictate what the kids do off school property but I called to fill them in and express my concern over the secrecy and craze over this book/now movie, that has perpetrated the, what I believed to be a safe haven christian school.

I am disappointed by the lack of educating the teens to be able to make the right choices, and to stand up for biblical truths while fleeing from even the appearance of evil..especially in a christian school..

Sadly, this 15 yr. old girl was raised by the public schools which are breeding grounds and the pulpit for creating " many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time." 1 John 2:18

I hope that the principle did some research and sought out christian reviews such as this one, which I am happy to have found, so he can atleast discuss these things with the teens and give them the information to be able to make a conscience and well informed decision for themselves before going to watch the movie or not..

I'm still bummed that the teens that do go, will be describing the details about the movie in the school..I only wish I could go back to homeschooling her this coming Monday, but unfortunatly that is not an option right now...

Julee Huy said...

I didn't know anything about this book and someone gave it to me to read. I started to read it, then read the back cover and then read some more and just felt uneasy about it. It wasn't sitting well. Tony saw it, asked where I got it and asked that I not read it. I told him I had been feeling uneasy and he basically forbade me from reading it! :) Which is not something he would ever do.

I guess these books are really popular and now that I know about them, I see them everywhere!

Evil is always going to be enticing and for me, reading these books would be compromise. Honestly, that compromise is a scary one for me to make. I would rather not open myself up to a world of evil and felt uncomfortable even having the book in my home. I suppose that is reading a lot into it, but in my mind evil is very real and I get frustrated when I see people let popular culture get in the way of moral integrity.

I suppose I have said too much already even though I have more to say. I don't want to offend anyone because many people that I know read these books, but as for me and my family, we will play it safe.

Of course, I don't even watch Lord of the Rings and felt I was defiling myself the one time I tried to watch it so maybe I have a low tolerance for such things. ?

Walking away now.

Susanz Place said...

julee - what you are experiencing is called the Holy Spirit. Yes I am painfully aware that many of our good Christian friends think that it is perfectly acceptable to entertain this movie and or book. For me there is no gray area here. I suppose I need to shine that light back at myself and ask the Lord if there is any areas that I deem acceptble while others know are blatant ploys of the enemy. I know I am not without sin, it's just this whole "Twilight" thing really has me disturbed.