Tuesday, November 4, 2008


if you are 18 or older, an American citizen, are not in jail, or you are not on probation from a felony ( i think that's what it is) - GO VOTE

You see I live by this rule that you do not EVER get to have an opinion about politics or how the United States is or isn't dealing with something, if you don't vote, you don't get to have an opinion. Harsh you may say. Okay you're right but it's truth.

Now I would sit here and tell you that you need to be voting for McCain and not Obama and the many truthful reason why but I'm sure you have already decided where you will place your vote and nothing I say will change that.

One little thing - if Obama is our next President at the end of this day and you picked him, please just don't sit around over the next 4 years and act surprised when the change he talks about is not what you thought it would be. There has been much well documented information of who this man is. Yes much of the Internet forwards have been false, you only need to check snopes.com to see what is tru and what is not however, so has much of the ones regarding Palin and McCain.
okay I can't close this without a few questions:
health care reform - so what happens to the millions of unemployed high payed medical professionals? what jobs can they go get? where do they live when their homes are repo'd? What does it really look like to have the govt dictate our health care? they've done such a great job with everything else they've controlled (that was sarcasm).
More rights for Gays - first let me say I have some dear friends that I love very much that live this lifestyle however - the Word of God is abundantly clear here - besides, good grief this is a sexual orientation not a race of people - so what's next my neighbor being able to marry his dog? sound stupid? okay it is, that's the point. Truth is my heart breaks for those that find themselves in this confusion in their heads of what they want sexually. This will be unpopular but I'll say it anyways - DENY THE FLESH - as just about perfect as my wonderful husband is I'm not foolish to think that he has never looked at another women in the past 19 years and maybe even for if just but a moment thought something. So should he have the right to act on that desire? yes he has free will, we all do, God gives it to us but that doesn't mean it's what's best. There is consequence to sin. No my husband would deny his flesh. Self Control. Please know that I only used my husband as an example because if I would have used yours you would have really been mad. ;0)
maybe a more simple way to think of it is having an over hormonal teenager who you are teaching to deny the flesh and stay pure - same thing ya'll.

The War - this is a loaded one - I will make this very very brief - I will watch. How stupid would either of these men be to show our enemies our complete poker hand and give a time frame of when we will move out. People please we don't need to know everything because if we know it so does our enemy. Have you ever thought about how secretive our enemies are?????

If you have lasted with this post all the way through you will be so very blessed because I have saved the very best for last.

God Is Sovereign STILL!!!!


Blessed said...

You are so right, Susan.

I am praying, praying, praying for this election. It's a little scary to think what tomorrow will hold, but God is still on the throne and that's what we need to remember. And for old people like me, remember again, and remember again, and...

Anonymous said...

You are right, We need to vote and continue to pray for are government.
Pray for our troops.
God Bless

Bunch of Caves said...

That was great Susan and I totally love your honestly.

My Blessed Life said...

I voted and I have been praying.