Tuesday, March 31, 2009

In my In BOX

This was far better than anything I would have posted today.

Turning Desire into Prayer - Bayless Conley
I want to turn your attention to something I believe is very profound. It is Romans 10:1, where Paul states ,Brethren, my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they may be saved. It is important to pray that people be saved. In fact, I want you to notice how Paul turned his desire into a prayer. I think if I were to ask any believer, "Do you desire your family to be saved?" they would say yes. Or, "Do you desire your friends to be saved?" they would answer yes. Or, "Do you desire your coworkers to be saved?" they would reply yes. Well, that is great. That is to be commended, but it is not enough. Your desire must be turned into a prayer. It is not enough just to have a desire that they be saved. That desire has to translate into prayer. Prayer that they may be saved. It's all right to pray generally, but it is better to pray specifically. I encourage you to make a list of every unsaved person in your life. Start with the network of relationships that already exist in your life. Make a list of family members, friends, and associates who are not saved, and then do your best to pray for the people on that list every day. Most Christians genuinely desire for folks to be saved, but not all Christians pray for the salvation of people that they love. And even fewer pray for the salvation of folks that they work with. Turn your desire for the unsaved people in your life to be saved into prayer for their salvation. And start today.

So today I will make a list and I pray you do the same. Even if you end up with 5 names on a paper that this day only they recieve real prayer from your mouth to the Throne of Grace. That my blog visitor is VICTORY!

go live a great day of faith and allow your prayers to be for salvation today.
and remember
keep chasing righteousness!


Julee Huy said...

So, Did you write your list??? Ask me Thursday if I wrote mine, that'll be enough for me to do it. :)

Elissa Hill said...

Oh yes! The power of Prayer is soo important! And I'm am learning each day how much more powerful it is! My Dad prayed for my Mom for 26 years before she fully became committed her life to the Lord. So we must never give up!:)