Sunday, June 29, 2008
to pick a topic
okay this one I was studying this morning. I listened to this amazing teaching on 2 Kings 6. I took some notes and I did some digging in myself so I'll just share it as a whole.
Now the sons of the prophets said to Elisha, "Behold now, the place before you where we are living is too limited for us. 2 "Please let us go to the Jordan and each of us take from there a beam, and let us make a place there for ourselves where we may live." So he said, "Go." 3 Then one said, "Please be willing to go with your servants." And he answered , "I shall go." 4 So he went with them; and when they came to the Jordan, they cut down trees. 5 But as one was felling a beam, the axe head fell into the water; and he cried out and said, "Alas, my master! For it was borrowed." 6 Then the man of God said, "Where did it fall?" And when he showed him the place, he cut off a stick and threw it in there, and made the iron float. 7 He said, "Take it up for yourself." So he put out his hand and took it.
:Lots of little insights in:
Have you lost your cutting edge like the man in the story? Notice he was right in the middle of service, in God's will when he lost his cutting edge. This guy didn't blame anyone else for losing his ax head he knew it was his fault. If we blame others we will never be able to recover what we have lost. Notice that when he lost the ax head he stopped chopping. Duh! you might say but think about it, how often can we lose our ax head and continue working. We need to stop what we are doing and go back to where we lost it and recover our ax head (cutting edge). Be willing to ask someone that will be honest with you the hard questions like; is my life fruitful? am I growing? are you just going through the motions.
When this guy lost his edge he knew where to go " alas my master" - there should only be one place we go, to Jesus. He is the only one who can give us our edge back. In the old testament the prophet was the man of God and how they could talk to God. We are privilege to live in the time where we can go directly to the Lord ourselves. Notice they both had to go to the place where he lost the ax head. Just as we have to take Jesus with us to the place we lost ours. I love how when he took the prophet to the place there was a miracle that brought the ax head back. When we take Jesus to the place in our lives, He will do what seemed impossible because with Him all things are possible. Notice how the man still had to reach out and grab the axe head . Even when God does the impossible for us there is still an action for us to do. remember this is what faith is it is an action. It reminds me of when I was studying Esther and the King held our the scepter for her. She still needed to reach out and take it. We always have our part, let's not ever forget that. All this to say Have you lost your cutting edge? if so go back to when you lost it, take our Lord Jesus with you and allow Him to do what only He can do and be obedient to what He ask of you in the process.
sweet simple stuff! ;0)
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Th Richardson's Update
Bobby: He's amazing - work is good and we are so thankful that during a time when so many are out of work that Bobby is working well and doing what God requires of him as the head of our home, supporting his family. He is very busy with Church: Sports Ministry that is always ongoing - Pointmam Leadership Training - a sub in Children's but there is a little something you all have to know. Bobby works more than most reg. Children's Ministry workers and he's just a sub. We often laugh about this one. I know that it's because the coordinators know he is faithful, so if it be 1st service, 2nd service, Saturday nights or wed, he is there working somewhere. You know i suppose the Wed. gig is a reg. gym thing, I forgot. Bobby spends a good portion of his time helping the body of Christ - seems there is always a phone call coming in that needs Bobby and with his smile intact he jumps to it, honored that he would even be asked. So many behind the scenes things that he does out of a sweet heart or maybe it's he's a bit OCD and he just can't walk away, well which ever it is the smile is always in place from a pure heart. All this to say Bobby is great, he's more than great and if you know him, you know what I'm talking about. (I love you honeyxoxoxo)
Aaron - let's see - we finished up 4th grade and he did fairly well, A's and 1 B - so now i have a 5th grader - if you didn't hear me i just exhaled with a moan! He is growing up so fast - Sports is his thing - he will be starting basketball camp here in a week and we are all excited about that ( yes for me it's selfish, I'll have 8 hours everyday for me, church actually it's vbs prep-time) he's a skater and so far so good no ER visits. Please Lord keep it that way. Aaron loves church and gets upset with me when I won't take him with me when i need to go during the week for work. I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact that we have this great basketball gym at church ;0) - being an only child makes for some pretty boring days so we try to have at least 2 days a week with friends either i have the boys here or Aaron is going somewhere with them. PlayStation is another favorite past time ( it's a daddy and Aaron thing) but i must say Aaron won't just sit on that thing for hours on end - it's strange but I'm just thankful that we don't have that issue. His electric guitar playing is getting really good, he has such natural talent - so yes i live with a "ROCKSTAR" - His new found thing is Club Penguin on line. Yes it's basically a chat room for kids and i monitor heavily. I know it's "safe" everyone yells at me saying it's fine but I trust nothing - anyway, Aaron loves going on that thing and most days earns the time to play on it. He'd kill me if he knew i posted this but yes he still loves to cuddle with me - every moring he just holds me until i finally have to ask him to get up - i will covet everyday this continues ( don't worry i won't turn into that ridiculous book about the mom and her son and their love, you know the one where he is a grown adult and she's climbing into his room at night to hold him - that book cracks me up) He also spends alot of time with Geoffrey, our dog - which segways into his update
Geoffrey: first let me say at writing time he is very sick we spent a day in the er with him and they still don't know what is wrong with him. $$$$ later and our baby is still not well and we don't know why - Geoffrey has been the source of life and energy in this home,one of the family for sure and unless you have your own pet that is apart of your family this just is going to seem crazy talk. We're sure he's the smartest family member and we pride ourselves over here at being pretty smart - I'd give you stories but i know how most feel about family pet stories so I'll close with my sweet caption about my Geoffrey.
Me: let's see what's going on with me.........................nothing I'm basically lazy.
Monday, June 23, 2008
I have been dealing with a pretty painful abdomen issue for a year now. Well, about 2-3 month ago it began to get worse. I had what felt like this growth that extended from my right rib cage. I had other people feel it as to not think I was going entirely crazy. They all confirmed yes they too had felt it. Anyway, when Bobby continued to see me go downhill he told me to get back to the Dr’s. They ran blood test and an ultra sound. And yes my Dr even confirmed she had felt the same mass as I had and it was not normal. She thought it was my liver that might be enlarged. Fast forward to getting my results, everything is perfectly healthy. One would think I was a health freak that worked out everyday, when you look at my blood work. The problem, I continued to get worse. My mobility was very limited and the pain so bad I was constantly getting sick. The Purity Conference was quickly approaching and I knew I was going to be there pretty much around the clock for 3 days. Come this past Friday, day one of Purity, I was very bad. I sent out a prayer request and begged for prayer. Should I go to the ER or should I go to Church and do what I was committed to do? That was the question. Now some might think the answer is easy (ER) but I had no peace. For the first time in years I had no peace and I was even more afraid of that. I believe where no peace is, God is not in it. So now my heart was breaking. I went to the shower and cried my eyes out to God asking for forgiveness that I wasn’t trusting or seeing Him in any of this and begging Him to show me the urgent for the day: Purity Conference or ER? When I had cried all I could cry and prayed all I could pray I turned off the shower and my phone was ringing. It was Steph Finn and there was an issue at church that really I needed to be the one to deal with it. God had showed me His urgent. Now, I figured I’d get to church and I would begin to feel better. No, I got to church and got worse. Knowing I was doing what God required of me, I pushed through (maybe my word ENDURE had something to do with it). I tried really hard to pull off to MOST people that everything was fine. Not sure how well I did on that but anyway around midnight I was sitting down and I told Bobby that I was going to go to the ER. With just his sweet loving way he looked at me and said, “No I don’t think you should go, just wait until your Dr gets back on Monday”. Now my first reaction in my head was ‘he doesn’t even care’. Then I (by the Lord) was reminded of my 30-day Husband challenge and that the one thing I have always struggled with in my marriage is submission. Not in the way that most struggle. You see Bobby requires so very little of me that I always feel like of course I’ve got this submission thing down but wisdom tells me that I just don’t understand it on that level. It’s hard to know what submission looks like when the person is someone like my wonderful husband.
BINGO!!!!! Got it Lord, was my second thought. In submitting to what he was telling me to do not only with my actions but in my heart, I was then right with God. Honestly, I tell you that as soon as I had that thought I had this peace pour over me like a washing of the Holy Spirit. I could actually feel it from head to toe. My heart was so full of joy and peace. Later that night or I should say morning when we got home from day 1 of the conference and I climbed into bed (actually the couch – for fear that Bobby might touch my very hurting body, I slept for 1 ½ hours and when I got up, yes tired but I realized my pain was going away. All day Saturday my pain slowly went away. 19 hours on my feet working on Saturday and yes my feet hurt like a dickens, cause apparently dickens hurts (where does that come from? Maybe I don’t want to know ;0) ) but my pain in my abdomen was 70% gone. So now here it is Monday and the only pain I feel is if I push real hard on one part.
Of course if my Dr. pursues this I will, but I know spiritual warfare was HUGE and I have learned much wisdom and knowledge. I thank my Jesus with tears in my eyes that He considered me worthy enough to go throough this. I guess I’m finally growing up.
Praise the Lord Jesus!!!!
Monday, June 16, 2008
Offense - I'm sorry if it hurts - well not intirely!
Yes, of course I know that the Lord is speaking loud and clear to me, and I do take heed and see my own fault in this area. But, I do believe that God has shown me some wisdom in that this is an area that we as Christian people, especially women have allowed the “enemy” to hold the master key to for far to long. It’s time to collect our keys people and give them back to Jesus. If we really understood that one of his, meaning the ‘pig monster’ biggest plans is to bring division. If we stayed mindful of this tactic, I believe we would have the ability to recognize ‘his’ part in most of the situations in our lives that deal with offense. So the question becomes. Are we going to let ‘him’ keep hold of that key or are we going to do the harder more uncomfortable thing and take it back, knowing that a life of greater peace and joy, love and kindness is there for our taking? Yes, I know it sounds like a no-brainer but honestly are you gonna do it? In the Jon Courson teaching there is so much great wisdom there but one thing that comes to my mind that was so great is
“If someone is offensive to you – correct him. – forgive them If I don’t rebuke them and they later make amends to you will have a thread of bitterness that will become even more difficult then the original offense to deal with.
If you wrong me and keep wronging me and I don’t rebuke you I am allowing something dastardly to happen in my soul – because when I rebuke someone in love, my perspective gets corrected – I realize my perspective was faulty – because I get info I didn’t have before then it helps me make sense to the whole situation – I may even find out I had it all wrong - but if I don’t rebuke in love my 1 sided perspective becomes bitter and a web of deception begins to grow”
I am also attaching a letter that a friend of mine received from a good friend of hers on offense. Please read it and ask the Lord to show you wisdom in your own life. I’m sure that I’m sure that we have given our master key to the wrong person. Let’s makes this be the day that we do the right thing and take it back. Sure, we are gonna be tested in this area but that should only encourage us to realize that we are indeed doing the right thing. Here is the letter:
Dear Sisters,
It was kind of a toss up as to where to post this one, but I decided to post it here. I've been thinking lately about something and I wanted to share some thoughts with you.
Is it ever OK for a believer to be offended or is it sin? We often hear someone say (or we have said ourselves), "You have offended me" or "I was so offended by what you said or did". Do we mean that our feelings were hurt or is this just a *Christian* cover for anger? Hmmm, let's look at a few things.
Webster's gives some of these definitions for offended: "to cause to feel vexation or resentment usually by violation of what is proper or fitting", "to cause pain to". Are we feeling vexation or resentment and calling it "being offended" thinking that justifies our sin?
I have been in churches where everyone was what I called an *offense waiting to happen*. You had to walk on eggshells and still someone would be offended by what you said or didn't say, by what you did or didn't do. A pastor was called unfriendly and therefore unloving because he didn't always say hello to certain people on Sunday morning. Hearts were so self-focused that no one was able to see beyond their own selfish lives to the possible needs of another. Every action or word was not looked upon with love and compassion toward other people but as if it was intentionally directed at ME. Is this where God wants us to be??
Are we to be making assumptions about other's spirituality based on our own selfish focus? Are we to be quick to anger, quick to take up resentment, quick to take account of a wrong suffered, quick to believe the worst about one another?
We look at our children and sibling rivalry and shake our heads in exasperation at their sinful and self-centered hearts. Where in the world do these attitudes come from, we ask ourselves. "Your dress touched my dress!!" "You are on my side of the couch!" "Mom, he's looking at me!!" Are they seeing in US the attitude of being quickly offended? "Pastor, she's doing such and such and I'm offended!" "Did you hear what so and so said? I can't believe it and I am just so offended!" "How could a true believer not see how much I am offended by such and such?"
In years past I was one of those "walk on eggshells around THAT one" type of person. I believed the worst about others and was prepared to defend myself to the death assuming that others were ready to stick a knife in MY back! And this was when I was a believer! But God in His mercy has shown me a deeper understanding of His love and mercy and grace. He has taught me a little bit (or rather I have learned a little bit) about assuming the best until I am PROVED wrong. I have seen first-hand what God means when He requires us to turn the other cheek.
And you know what? MY life is much happier and more pleasant when I focus on others with love. I have greater joy and freedom to love others because I don't feel like I HAVE to fight for #1 (as the world tells us)...that's God's job! My job is to be willing to be poured out as a drink offering for the sake of others and the glory and honor of the One who bought my life. My job is to be willing to live a life of sacrificial, unsung servant hood to those He came to save. My job is to see that "He must increase, I must decrease." OUCH!!
How often am I looking for that recognition that *I* am so wonderful! Thinking 'boy, didn't God get a great deal when He chose me!' Convincing myself that I and I alone have the corner on the truth market and everyone else is barely keeping their heads above water! Rationalizing my sin as *weaknesses* that others will have to put up with while pointing out every speck in the eyes of my fellow brethren. Knowing clearly how others are "so legalistic" in their convictions or "being sucked into the deception of the enemy" in the freedoms they enjoy while at the same time believing that I (and I alone again) am living the balance that God reveals to us.
I guess I've just been thinking about my heart this Christmas season. Many of us will be spending time with families or friends. Some of us will be spending quiet time alone with our husbands and children. Some of us will even be counting this as just another day. It just seemed to me a good time to reflect on our attitudes toward others as we may be spending time with others. We may be with the unsaved or with believers who don't hold the same convictions that we do. It might be a good time for us to go before the Lord and ask Him to examine our attitudes and perspectives toward others. I've been asking myself these questions:
Am I extending to others the grace the Lord extends to me?
Am I willing to be misunderstood as I seek to understand others more fully?
Am I willing to drop a contentious point without "getting the last word in"?
Am I trusting the sanctifying work of the Lord in the lives of other believers even if they seem to be going in a direction very different from my own?
Am I working to have the "goal of my instruction" be love?
Am I realizing that "knowledge puffs up but love builds up" and am I therefore pursing love above all else?
Am I working to believe the best about others and to think that major differences we seem to have are probably misunderstandings that can be put to right with loving, open and humble communication? (This is different from trying to persuade that *I* am right, but to seek unity of spirit)
Am I centering my speech on the love and grace of the Lord rather than on me?
Hard questions for me to ask myself, but necessary if I am to work to keep a divisive and critical spirit far from my heart. How about you? Are these areas that God may be touching your heart on this Christmas season? May we all seek to follow Him more completely that people will see less and less of US and more and more of Him. This is the same Lord who said from the cross, "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do." This thought sends me to my knees in tears; humbled and awed.
I think we all have some work to do!
remember - Keep chasing rightesouness!!!!
Monday, June 9, 2008
Tam & Bri out for a fast trip



Today is my 42nd Birthday! - actually i finished this list pretty fast so it's really not for 5 more hours exactly
In honor of the 42 years I have lived on this Earth - here are 42 things that make it all worth it.
1. Jesus is my Lord and He really really loves me
2. I'm married to Bobby and no one else got this amazing gem but me!!!!!
3. Aaron - my precious unexpected gift from God
4. Elohim - my Creator
5. my family - i love my family and miss them all so very much - i would break this down to individual statements about many of them, but then they would all be fighting as to who the favorites are - so as to not start world war 4 I'll say "family" ;0)
6. I get to be apart of the greatest ministry ever - we have the most fun serving God together. CCEA Children's Ministry
7. Adonai - my Lord and Master
8. my friends - I am blessed to have such faithful, genuine, loving friends - they say you can tell alot about a person by the company they keep - well i guess I'm sittin' pretty darn good! - oh yes and they are funny!!!
9. That I belong to a church that is committed to only teaching the pure Word of God, no matter how unpopular that can be. ( thank you Bob Kopeny) - CCEA
10. Jehovah-Jireh: my Provider
11. That God has allowed me to be apart of praying for big miracles and I get to watch Him do what only He can do. I BELIEVE IN MOUNTAIN MOVING MIRACLES!!!!!
12. That I get to be a stay at home mom and home school - even though most days I would rather poke myself with needles ;0) - i recognize it as a gift.
13. El-Shaddai: my God of Blessings
14. Geoffrey - he has brought so much joy to our family - who would have thunk it - (thanks steph)
15. Our home - we are blessed to be in this house
16. El-Elyon: the Most High God
17. That never does a day go by that I don't receive at least 1 phone call from a friend just because they love me. - that is rich!
18. I love the simplicity of my home life - very joyful and peaceful.
19. Jehovah-Shalom: the Peace of my Heart
20. I love walking through the halls at Church chatting with people and feeling that God is pleased. ( the greatest commandment is Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind - then love one another)
21. Jehovah-Rapha: God my Healer
22. I love waking up in the morning and drinking my 2 cups of coffee (actual 8) and spending time in the Word. That is my perfect happy place. Knowing Aaron is resting well. Bobby is in the shower singing praises to God, Geoffrey is laying at my feet. Life is good!!
23. Friends that love my son as their own - their care for Aaron over the years is gift.
24. Jehovah-Shammah: He will never leave me nor forsake me
25. "Super-Chica" - our late night crime solving on God's issues is a bit insanity but it's really pretty great. - we do solve the worlds problems - we are CRIMEFIGHTERS!!!!
26 _______________________ you fill in the blank
27. New friendships that are quickly growing deep roots - I can't wait to see what God is doing there.
28. My Mom - she chose to give me life - thank you Mom
29. Julian Charter Homeschooling - I never would have believed in a million years that I would not only be apart of a Charter School but then it would be such a rich blessing of God for our family - All I know is never say never - God has a way of taking you to those places, just so you remember who He is. Yet, another difficult lesson of putting Him in a box. Thank you Jesus for this way of schooling Aaron.
30. My job at church - this one is probably the most painful blessing - it's a constant source of humility and stretching but I see the growth in me because of it, therefore I am thankful for it.
31. Jehovah-Hoseenu: the Lord my Maker
32. Francis Chan - this man is truly anointed by God to teach truth - again the Lord taking me and my narrow perspective out of the box, to show me there are some really amazing Holy Spirit gifted Bible teachers out there and they're not even CC's Pastors.
33. Margaret Ashmore - this is my favorite women's Bible teacher - now I'm really really really really really picky when it comes to Bible teachers and even more picky when it comes to women teachers - this one is the best - if you ever can get your hands on any of her stuff, be prepared to have your life changed radically for Christ. I have most all of her stuff, so feel free to ask me for copies.
34. New Ministry - Abundant Life Home school Group - this one sure is taking me out of my comfort zone - but oh how thankful I am for the opportunity to grow and prayerfully be used by God in another way. - I'll be honest though this one is with alot of trepidation. However, I told my Lord that where He lead I would follow, so here I am treading on unknown waters. - o Lord please let it be a Jordan River into Cannan story - o gosh maybe not, i just remembered some of the really hard stuff about that journey.
35. that my life just might influence someone for Jesus. Matthew 5:16
36. Jehovah Rohi: the Lord my Shephard
37. Laughter - i love to laugh and i am surrounded by so many friends and family that get that about me and join right in.
38. For my hairstylist - but dang she's hard to book. - at least she doesn't make my hair green
39. Friends across the miles that enrich my life ssssssooooooo much. - you know who you are.
40. my Parents: each one of them , and there are many, each have played such a key role in who I am today. How blessed I have been to have them all.
41. music - i love listening to music - need a great cd? i'll make you one.
and last but not least
42. Jehovah-Tsidkenu: The Lord our Righteousness
Saturday, June 7, 2008
This one leaves you breathing hard
I pray that I would walk in the light of this truth, keeping my focus on my Jesus and being willing to do what He requires, instead of what comes easier for my flesh. May we all listen with God's wisdom and abundant love.
remember to keep chasing righteousness!!!
thanks Julie K for sharing this message.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Are you kiddin' me on this one!!!
I am: The apple of His Eye
I think: way to much!
I know: Who my Jesus is and what He can do for your life too.
I hate: Ignorance
I fear:MY Lord
I search: for treasures in His Word everyday
I regret: not getting my act together
I always: crack myself up - cause i think i'm funny
I dance: ALL THE TIME - SOLID GOLD DANCER WAS MY CHILDHOOD GOAL - i'm still workin' on that ;0)
I don’t always: do as much as i can - i'm basically lazy
I write: This blog, praying that someone may need to hear what i'm saying - i'm a bit delusional like that
Spirit West Coast - Del Mar









go to to see some more great pix of SWC - steph's blog