Saturday, June 28, 2008

Th Richardson's Update

okay i've had a few request of what's going on with the Richardson's so here it is briefly (don't laugh)

Bobby: He's amazing - work is good and we are so thankful that during a time when so many are out of work that Bobby is working well and doing what God requires of him as the head of our home, supporting his family. He is very busy with Church: Sports Ministry that is always ongoing - Pointmam Leadership Training - a sub in Children's but there is a little something you all have to know. Bobby works more than most reg. Children's Ministry workers and he's just a sub. We often laugh about this one. I know that it's because the coordinators know he is faithful, so if it be 1st service, 2nd service, Saturday nights or wed, he is there working somewhere. You know i suppose the Wed. gig is a reg. gym thing, I forgot. Bobby spends a good portion of his time helping the body of Christ - seems there is always a phone call coming in that needs Bobby and with his smile intact he jumps to it, honored that he would even be asked. So many behind the scenes things that he does out of a sweet heart or maybe it's he's a bit OCD and he just can't walk away, well which ever it is the smile is always in place from a pure heart. All this to say Bobby is great, he's more than great and if you know him, you know what I'm talking about. (I love you honeyxoxoxo)

Aaron - let's see - we finished up 4th grade and he did fairly well, A's and 1 B - so now i have a 5th grader - if you didn't hear me i just exhaled with a moan! He is growing up so fast - Sports is his thing - he will be starting basketball camp here in a week and we are all excited about that ( yes for me it's selfish, I'll have 8 hours everyday for me, church actually it's vbs prep-time) he's a skater and so far so good no ER visits. Please Lord keep it that way. Aaron loves church and gets upset with me when I won't take him with me when i need to go during the week for work. I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact that we have this great basketball gym at church ;0) - being an only child makes for some pretty boring days so we try to have at least 2 days a week with friends either i have the boys here or Aaron is going somewhere with them. PlayStation is another favorite past time ( it's a daddy and Aaron thing) but i must say Aaron won't just sit on that thing for hours on end - it's strange but I'm just thankful that we don't have that issue. His electric guitar playing is getting really good, he has such natural talent - so yes i live with a "ROCKSTAR" - His new found thing is Club Penguin on line. Yes it's basically a chat room for kids and i monitor heavily. I know it's "safe" everyone yells at me saying it's fine but I trust nothing - anyway, Aaron loves going on that thing and most days earns the time to play on it. He'd kill me if he knew i posted this but yes he still loves to cuddle with me - every moring he just holds me until i finally have to ask him to get up - i will covet everyday this continues ( don't worry i won't turn into that ridiculous book about the mom and her son and their love, you know the one where he is a grown adult and she's climbing into his room at night to hold him - that book cracks me up) He also spends alot of time with Geoffrey, our dog - which segways into his update

Geoffrey: first let me say at writing time he is very sick we spent a day in the er with him and they still don't know what is wrong with him. $$$$ later and our baby is still not well and we don't know why - Geoffrey has been the source of life and energy in this home,one of the family for sure and unless you have your own pet that is apart of your family this just is going to seem crazy talk. We're sure he's the smartest family member and we pride ourselves over here at being pretty smart - I'd give you stories but i know how most feel about family pet stories so I'll close with my sweet caption about my Geoffrey.

Me: let's see what's going on with me.........................nothing I'm basically lazy.


Sheri Nash said...

Hey Susan glad to hear you are all doing good. I like to read updates and see how our friends in So. Cal are doing. And by the way my kids love club penguin also, they plan a time of day and meet all their friends on there and play each other the games.

Julee Huy said...

Ok, the part about Aaron and the cuddling and that book I'll love you forever... it made me crack up!!