Friday, August 10, 2007

i made it back

i can't believe in light of this very difficult day that i actually made it back here - but i am choosing to "HOLD FAST"....... that's another long post but let's finish what i wanted to share earlier
- i really want to share from the words of Margaret Ashmore -

Psalm 32: 3
When I kept silent my bones wasted away through my groaning all day long.

actually read the whole chapter in it's content - this was david holding on to his sin with bathseba and uriah - awesome passage of scripture

Margaret was saying that when we worry, have prolonged grief, sorrow, guilt - there is a release of acid in our body (most of us know this to be true already) anyway our bodies are fearfully and wonderfully made by our Creator and when the acid is released our bones will push out calcium to neutralize the acid - we all know what happens to our bones with a lack of calcium - also red blood cells are made in our bones so if our bones are not healthy becasue of a lack of calcium than our red blood cells are not either which than has the potential of many other serious sicknesses.

this is a very interesting study to dig into if you look a verses in the Bible that relate to healing and good health from having wisdom and good words
prov 16:24
prov 12:18

i look at this whole idea and it just encourages me in so many ways mainly the complete proof that the Bible is the the inspired Word of God -
these writers did not have the knowledge of anatomy that we have today and yet they got it completely right -

i love this!

1 comment:

Erica said...

Thats so neat! We were talking about this very subject of holding onto sin in our small group last night. I have to say I do that a lot and its something the Lord is working to purify out of me.