Sunday, August 19, 2007

understanding this journey - Holy Spirit - Breathe on Me

so i seem to be all over the place these days in things our Lord is showing me - well after about a few days of some just feeling yucky inside ( oppression ) i began to realize that i need and want all that the power of the Holy Spirit has for me. This battle inside of me is real and my enemy knows what a life fully empowered by God's Spirit looks like and he is trying to rip me off. Truth be told i have been letting him... so i'm on my real journey right now of understanding and being filled with the complete baptism of the Holy Spirit. - we are hopeless without the Holy Spirit and yet to often we try to go about our walk our ministries without allowing this free and willing power to be front and center of all we do or i suppose i should just say me since this really is my journey.
samuel chadwick stated a century ago that the church has a theology of the Holy Spirit yet has no living consciousness of His presence and power. - this tells me that if it was true a century ago haw much more now with all our current junk in the way.
there are people who are so deceived in their emotionalism ( not Holy Spirit - let's make that very clear ) barking, flailing around, chirping etc..... that they are completely ripping themselves off. The bottom line is we need to look at what the Bible says of the Holy Spirit - if we do not see something in the Bible it absolutely can not be today - there is no new work of God - My God, the one true God is the same yesterday today and tomorrow this means so is His Spirit! - so let's measure our new Christianity up against what the Bible teaches - WOW seems this is a hot button for me. I guess it just makes me sad how much our deceiver gets to us and convinces us of things that are completely against our LORD. - i want to purge thoser things out of my life.
I've always felt a kinship to Peter - yes the good the bad and the awful. - however Peter was the only one that wanted so deeply the same power that Jesus displayed as Jesus walked on the water - the others were in complete satisfaction to witness the power and be blessed by it but not Peter no way He wanted to do the same as Jesus - i so love this about peter - i love his zeal - however we must be careful of zeal - zeal without knowledge (wisdom -and the beginning of wisdom and knowledge is the FEAR OF GOD - reverence) is not good (Proverbs 19:2) however Zeal powered with knowledge and the Holy Spirit - WOW what our Lord can do with that - look at peter's life this is a man who walked with Jesus for 3 years completely under His leadership learning and gleaning everything that Jesus had to offer yet all of that never made Peter all that our Lord meant for Him to be ( has this ever happened to you that you were so blessed to be under amazing leadership / discipleship yet never could measure up to the one you respected spiritually?)- not until Peter is filled with the Spirit do we see Peter go off and have this amazing ministry - over 3000 people were saved by his first time out as a preacher. remember this is a man who was not educated, a fisherman, and eagerness that often got him in bad situations - this man now filled with the Holy Spirit just was used to win thousands to the Kingdom. ......gosh to be set a fire like that.........there is a song by John Waller called "breath on Me" go to his myspace and listen to are the words.
Hover over me / fill me spirit, breathe on me /Hover over me/ fill me fresh and breathe on my/ I want to walk in signs and wonders/ I want to speak with tongues of angels /Breathe on me spirit I receive empower me to be your witness /rest on me and Jesus let me see even greater things than these- when you breathe /breathe on me/Let me bind up the broken hearted/ I want the world to see your power/I believe, I receive everything you have for me

this song is so awesome it's my hearts cry right now.

so this is my journey right now everything i have been studying has been about coming to this place to come to an understanding of the Holy Spirit in my life the way our Lord intended for it to be - i suppose i may come to some unpopular reality truths but i'm willing to go there where ever my Lord my lead - for today i just want this heaviness lifted from me - I praise Jesus because I know that even in this so my journey begins -

In the name of Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior who conquered death on the cross in Jesus name i command you satan to leave depart you have no place in this. Amen

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