Sunday, August 26, 2007

New Wine - dig dig dig

So in "K" group we have been studying Nehemiah and in Chapter 10:39 it talks about the new wine - in fact it says " the Levites are to bring their contributions of grain, new wine and oil" - this whole chapter is talking about 1st fruits giving all our first fruits to the Lord. - this whole idea of new wine grabbed my attention and i knew i needed to look into it and see what little treasure there was in this - through out the old and new testament this series of items, grain, new wine and oil is listed over and over again. so here is my little diggin of this in a nut shell:

grain: represents bread /the Word of God
new wine: i know that wine symbolizes joy but also wine shows the cup, communion - a remembrance of what our Lord did on the cross in our place. - i knew there was something else here that my God wanted to show me - so the search began........ i'll post in a min.
oil: represents consecration / anointing / Holy Spirit

this all was fire in my belly as i could see there was some really great symbolism, yet i didn't have complete understanding of the meaning yet.

The story from John 2 - the miracle of Cana has been a little thing that has come up a few times over the past 6 months or so. Very drawn to this story and all the great applications there are in it. Well once again I was brought to this part of scripture and began to dig some very interesting facts and applications from it.

it's been over 450 years since there was a miracle of God in the Bible at the time of this event. - Daniel and the Lions Den is the last recorded miracle ( i'm sure there there is an interesting application in this the last i will have to look at this later to see how they intertwine )

in the book of John, he only records 8 miracles - according to his own writing he records those miracles that are to instruct not to amaze - he ( through the working of the Holy Spirit had a different purpose in the miracles he chose to write about) - another study i am intriged to do. ( do you see how i get off on so many rabbit trails when i study)

so here we are the first recorded miracle - Jesus turning water into wine: in a nut shell the scene is at a wedding and the wine has run out - Mary, mother of Jesus goes to Him and tells him of the problem he instructs the servants to fill the jugs with water to the brim and take it to the master of the feast - the water turns to wine some were after the act of obedience on the servants part and when the Master sees it. The master taste it and it is good in fact it is the better wine.

so let's look at a few things: in the miracle the contents changed not the pots - just like us at our conversion ( being born again) our outward flesh does not change it is the spirit in us that changes. - we see in other parts of scripture that the pots represent man - there were also 6 pots another symbolism for man - on earth our flesh will always be apart of us and there willalways be a battle between our flesh and the Spirit in us - the one that will win each battle is the one we feed more - so i ask which one are you feeding more?

our conversion is the new wine. - our salvation is a miracle - it is our transformation from our old self to being a new creation in Jesus - it is where everything begins - this is where we become a new creation - it is an act of faith - it is total obedience - all of these things are linked to this first miracle of Jesus.

let's look at those things:
an act of faith - the servants obeyed they did not ? - personally this shocks me one would think they might have act or stated - ' it's wine they need not water' - Jesus did not tell him what He was going to do - yet they obeyed - just like when Jesus called us to His heart we heard His command to come and we obeyed - total obedience - my pray also is that this is always my heart in following Jesus and His word - total obedience.

it's where everything begins: this was the first miracle of Jesus - just like our conversion in Jesus is our new beginning - our slat is made clean.

i was looking for a verse that states all 3 areas grain, new wine and oil - this is what God gave me:
Ephesians 1:13 - having heard the Word of truth (grain) the Gospel of your salvation (new wine). Having believed, you were marked in Him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit (oil).

here is another cool thing - Jesus was invited to the wedding - we have to invite Him - He will never force His way in - we must invite him.

anyway off on to many crazy trails - all came down to, that I found my answer the new wine is our conversion........

so i hope this makes sense to you. - maybe it even prompted a little seeking in the Word for yourself.

o this just came to me - like i said up there wine usually means joy - htis little study i did i saw that new wine represents our conversion in Jesus - and I know my Word says Jesus is the Joy of my salvation. - cute!!!!!!!

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